Lookbook Store Steals!

Happy Saturday loves! I have a few posts I prepped before I delivered and this one is with a bunch of affordable Lookbookstore pieces that most are on now SALE and wanted to share with you….
I’ve had this faux fur vest since last year and its a steal! It doesnt get super cold here in SoCal but when we do get some chilly weather it’s the perfect excuse to bring on the layers 😉 I love the look of a faux fur vest layered over a leather jacket! 
Sam Edelman OTK Boots (on SALE HERE) more sizes HERE
Vince Leather Jacket (Similar more affordable HERE)
Lookbook Store Waffle Knit Sweater (one of my favorites on SALE now!!!) 
Target Maternity Tank
NastyGal Hat (can you tell I live in this?!)
Target Maternity Tank
Lookbook Store Cardigan
Paige Maternity Denim
Frye OTK Boots
Photos by SteadyJenny
and THIS PONCHO I wore on Instagram last week HERE 
(**I’m wearing a US4 In all of these pieces)
Hope you all are having a great weekend! 

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  1. Hi Andee! First of all, congratulations on your beautiful baby boy. You have a gorgeous family! I have a question about your Sam Edelman Kayla boots. I was reading the reviews and noticed a lot of people were buying a half to a full size larger than they normally wear. Did you size up in these boots?

  2. Hi Andee! I have been scouting this Nasty Gal hat for sometime but am wondering about the size…I can't figure out an inside measurement-do you know what it is? For comparison, I wear a L in Janessa Leone hats…Thanks!!
    Also-congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! He's perfect!

  3. Hi! LOVE all of these outfits! A few of the lookbook store links didn't work though and I was wondering if you could send me the new links? Also, what exact leather jacket are you wearing? I'm in need of a new leather jacket! xoxo

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