Look of the Day

Fall is here and it doesn’t get more effortless than a comfy oversized sweater and distressed flare denim! 
Wearing my favorite oversized sweater from F21, 7 for all Mankind distressed bell bottoms and Proenza Schouler bag.
You can get the look with these pieces…
*Click on the set for details

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  1. Looks so comfy, yet totally chic! What type of shoes do you wear with your flares? When I am dressing casual during the day, I never know what type of shoes to wear with flares, so I always resort back to my skinnies and boots.

  2. ahhhh andee you always look so gorgeous and you do it so effortlessly too! swooooon. ive been wearing my flared denim lately too, which YOU made me love in all your posts! i can see your hair is getting lighter, so pretty!

  3. You are always so beautiful!!! And even though you are wearing jeans, you look professional enough for office :). Anyway, what size would you suggest in 7 for all mankind jeans for someone that is 5'6" and 140 lbs?

  4. Your hair is gorgeous. Is it hair extensions or natural? I'm always looking for the most natural looking extensions.

    1. thank you…this is my natural hair. Its grown so much since pregnancy and keeping my fingers crossed it doesnt start falling out (they say that can happen after birth).

  5. If you ever decide to sell this sweater on Shop Honeybee….I WANT!!!!!!!!! I've been searching for a similar sweater since you posted this in November with no luck!!!!

Look of the Day

Happy Friday ladies!!! I can’t believe its the last weekend in October! We have a vacay coming up next week so we’ll be spending our weekend running tons of last minute errands before our first trip with baby Ava in tow! Any and all tips are welcomed! We are flying internationally and our pediatrician recommend the flu shot for Ava but I opted not to get it, eeeek!! Did you ladies give your babes the flu shot?!  On another note here’s a casual look I wore last week I wanted to share with you….
Urban Outfitter oversized denim shirt, Zara tee, J brand jeans, Steve Madden boots ( These were the ones I wore to the pumpkin patch last week a lot of you asked about…link posted below) and Alexander Wang bag.

You can get the look with these pieces…

*Click on the set for details

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  1. Love your outfit! Wish I could fit into jeans like those these days – 17 weeks pregnant!! Told you – you are going to increase the population. 😀 I don't know about flu shots for babies, but I opted out on flu shots for myself during pregnancy and insisted my hubby get one. You should be fine as long as you and your husband are healthy and just keep Ava away from sick people.

  2. Love you casual look! flying with babies can be done! A few things . . . buy some new books, quiet toys and do not let her see them before the flight. Bring tons of snacks, her fav blankie or cuddly, a few outfit changes (we have had a few blow-outs on flights!) and layer her so that you can bundle her up if cold or strip if too hot. iphone and ipad are a given. we always bought an extra seat because you need that extra space (esp. international)…for the flu shot, I would highly recommend her getting it; airports, planes and people from foreign countries are not good for a baby with no protection. The actual flu virus is awful and very dangerous for young babies . . . good luck! love your blog

  3. I would DEFINITELY recommend the flu shot especially before flying internationally. The side effects and damages from a baby getting the actual flu are much scarier than the flu shot itself. Our daughter still got the flu her first year but it was a mild mild case….some of her little friends shes around got it at the same time with no flu shot and they were hospitalized.

  4. No way would I give my baby a flu shot. I think you made the right decision. Just read about it…read the vaccine insert and the ingredients. I will never give it to my children…or myself. I have 2 sons and we have traveled a lot (domestic and international) and I have never given them the shot.
    have a great trip!!! 🙂

  5. Good call on skipping the flu shot Andee! Ava will be fine! Wishing you and you're beautiful family all the best!

    And you look amazing, as usual!


  6. I have 3 kids under 8 years old and we all get the flu shot every year (not the mist) and haven't gotten the flu since we started getting them. You cannot get sick from the flu shot. When my baby was 2 months old and not old enough for the shot she caught the flu virus and had a very high fever and was hospitalized for 4 days so save yourself some grief and do it:) I would not wish that any Mom:) Good Luck and have fun on your vacation!

  7. I have traveled with my baby boy starting at 8 weeks old, he is great at traveling! he is about 5 months and we fly internationally too. With a baby if you can buy a extra seat thats the best, if not try to fly around a nap time or bed time. If you don't have a extra seat bring a pillow so that when they nap you lay the pillow across you and your hubby and let them lay on it. It always helps us so that your not holding them for a 6-8 hr flight. We also have him in casual clothes that are comfy! Lots of toys all different ones and some apps on the ipad help! We didn't get the flu shot and he is fine!

  8. Hi Andee,

    Don't stress too much about not getting Ava the flu shot. Even if you were to have gotten it, it would still take another 4-6 weeks for it to take effect. Also, the flu shot is only 60% effective. I'm also hesitant to give my 2 1/2 year old the shot as well.

    If you're still breast feeding, it may help to relieve ear pressure for Ava if you nurse her during take off and landing. Bring a baby carrier too! I love both the Ergo and Beco carrier's.

    Best of luck on Ava's maiden flight!


  9. Our first international flight was an eight hour flight from NYC to Madrid, a five hour layover and a two hour connecting flight to Rota. I nursed my son as much as he would allow me to and I held him the entire time (I was given a lap belt (even though he had his own seat, as you have to pay for baby's seat during international flights). Also, at 25, I've never had a flu shot and I have never had the flu. My boys are five and three and they have also never had the flu shot or the flu. The only person in our home to have had the flu is my husband and his job requires him to get the flu shot every single year (he's active duty). I'm sure your baby will be fine! Safe travels!

  10. Love your awesome blog!! You are too grogeous for words! Excited for your first trip with your baby~ Im expecting a baby girl by next year Jan '13 and I cant wait to travel w her also!!

    New follower here!

    The Misty Mom

  11. Traveling with babies isn't nearly as scary as you're thinking! My 16 month old has flown 9 times (3 one way flights, 6 round trips) with her first being at 6 weeks old. If you're still breastfeeding, do that during take off (but only if she's awake- she won't feel anything in her ears if she's already sleeping!) and just have plenty of snacks/toys/shows on the iPad or laptop to keep her entertained. Feel free to roam the aisles if she gets fussy at all…other passengers and flight staff have always been very understanding every time we've flown. I've even had flight attendants offer to take Sailor for walks so that I could have a little break.
    The important thing to remember is: relax. She will feed off of your mood! If you're relaxed, she's much more likely to be relaxed. And have fun! This is such a fun experience to share with your little one!

  12. Hi Andee , I do not give flu shots to my kids , I have 3 under 9 and we travel very often national , and international I used to travel every other weeken fron NY to LAX for 8 months with my first born he was 6 months , my advice is bring you own blanket, and little pillow ,whipe the tray with desinfecting wipes they sale then in travel packs , bring your baby Tylenol and a thermometer always Carrie extra outfits for baby and you in the diaper bag , disinfect with the wipes where the baby may touch trust me there is a lot of nasty viruses and bacteria in the planes

  13. Ah, the flu shot is such a toughie. I personally do give it to my kids because the odds of a bad reaction from the shot are far less than getting extremely sick from the flu. I was on the "I don't get the shot and I've never gotten the flu" train until…I got the flu. And it was so awful that as soon as it was over, my OB ordered an ultrasound to see if my baby had survived it (she did, thankfully). Definitely a decision that every family needs to make for itself. (Although I do want to chime in and say that you physically cannot get the flu from the shot; a basic immunology search will show you this.)

    Have been loving your IG pics from vacation! Looks like you had a blast 🙂 I'm sure Ava was a little angel for you!

Look of the Day

Pretty much my go to look (Michael Stars V neck tee, H&M boyfriend jeans,DITA shades, and Alexander Wang bag)
To fringe or not to fringe? Personally I love fringe bags so I bought this one at Nordstroms a couple weeks ago. Of course this is one trend my husband HATES so every time I wear it he never fails to call me Pocahantas lol.

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  1. I sport that same boyfriend white tee look all the time. Perfect stylish mom look;) I have to say I'm slightly obsessed with fringe! Your husbands dislike for fringe would be mines dislike for cropped jeans or pants!

  2. I love that first casual outfit. May I ask where you got your necklaces? And I love fringe on others but I feel awkward wearing it myself.

  3. LOVE your jeans? Did you get them recently? I've been on the hunt for the perfect pair. I couldn't stop laughing at the Pocahantas comment – typical husband behavior!! 😀

  4. Love the whole look. Those Boyfriend pants look great on you. I'm hesitant to wear them because they make me feel sloppy but I really like the way that you pulled the whole look together!

  5. Looking stunning Andee! Love the BF jeans on you… Super chic!
    Your necklaces are amazing!
    Hope you and your adorable baby are well?!

Look of the Day

 It felt good to throw on something besides a maxi dress last week! I met up with some girlfriends for a much needed night out! When I say night out that consists of dinner and ONE drink at 6pm so I can be home for bath time with Ava at 830 and feeding before bed. I won’t know what to do with myself when she is done breastfeeding and I can actually stay out later and have more than one glass of wine 😉 My how my days have changed but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Im obsessed with printed blouses right now! This one is from Forever21 I posted on a couple weeks ago! Wearing with J Brand jeggings and Bottega Venetta bag (9 weeks postpartum) 

Here are some other printed tops I’m loving right now….

*Click on the set for details

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  1. Glad you got to enjoy yourself with your girlfriends. With Layla I didn't leave the house (other than doc appts and grocery shopping) till about 3 months postpartum. I was so sleep deprived I felt like a zombie everytime I stepped out.

    My husband so would have said something if I walked out with all that cleavage lol. I loved my breastfeeding boobs 😉

  2. haha…the one glass of wine thing would be the hardest part!! So worth…Ava is so beautiful I just saw the pics below 🙂 Love your printed forever shirt – I have a similar one from there that I'm obsessed with! Maxi dresses are always a good go-to I imagine even more after a baby, you look great!

  3. Love your outfit; you are so well put together Andee! You deserve some time out for yourself as well. Are you wearing your spice lipstick in these photos?

  4. you look so gorgeous! I feel like the only difference in your appearance after having a baby is that your breasts got larger – the rest of you is still so tiny!

  5. Seriously,if i ever see you in the street or store(not that it would happen)i would never think that you just had a baby or even have a baby…love your fashion sense/style..i've been seeing some of your pic's on Pinterest.

Look of the Day

Wearing my F21 maxi dress (and Jimmy Choo bag) I posted on a couple weeks ago…such a steal for under $15! I wish I had snagged the other colors as well! 
Simple, cute, comfy and easy to breast feed in which is very important for me these days 😉 

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  1. I think you must have the VS Model secret… Because I still cannot believe that you JUST had a baby!! You look amazing!!!

    I love the neutral bag against the bold, bright dress.

  2. I got the same dress in black and I love love love it!!!! It's so flattering and so comfy at the same time! I live in mine!
    Artistalovesart.com (Beauty.Art.Love)

  3. I have a weird question – I"m having a baby due June 16 and I plan on breastfeeding. Since it'll by summertime most clothes are spaghetti straps, and nursing bra lines would definitely show. Are you wearing a nursing bra with this outfit or just wearing a regular strapless bra? Sorry for the random question but I just am wondering how I'm going to dress myself this summer!

    1. hi ladies yes i am actually wearing a nursing bra with it! If you go to a post "must have baby products" under my BABY tab at the top… i posted it in a set. I love how comfy it is and it has a scoop neck shape so you can wear it with lower tops. Hope this helps and congrats to both of you! ox

  4. Beautiful! Love the dress! I'm a maxi dress fiend, but most of the ones I have won't work for BF, Seeing as they're either halter or strapless. This looks perfect, and oh so comfy!

  5. Cute! Love the color! I am new to your blog, which I sort of randomly stumbled upon. I also just had my 3rd child (a beautiful girl named Averie) and was wondering if you could offer up some functional style tips for us cuhrazy busy Moms? I have a 6 year old son and a 2 year old son as well, and chasing after them on the playground while wearing Averie in my Bjorn doesn't exactly lend itself to high-style looks…You are so gorgeous and so stylish!

    1. Hi love I will def be incorporating more fashion/outift posts weekly and they will mainly be comfy casual looks as running around with a newborn doesn't leave me a ton of time to pull myself together. xo

  6. um…you just had a child?! you look GORGEOUS! love the maxi dress… i'm such a fan of them for summer. and gotta love forever 21, they always come through for fun pieces 🙂

  7. Cute! Is this dress still available? I can't find it in any other posts! =) You look beautiful!

    1. you know it is sold out now ;( I posted on it a couple weeks ago. You pretty much have to snag F21 that day because all the good pieces sell out fast!

    2. Oh shoot! Well it looks fab on you! I do most of my shopping with F21 online as well because the store overwhelms me too!

  8. I just found your blog and I LOVE it!! You are so beautiful and so is your new baby girl. Congrats!

    I am just curious if your Jimmy Choo bag is the Ramona or the Riki?


Look of the Day

I can’t tell you how good it felt to get somewhat dressed yesterday and get out of the house for an hour! I started pumping and Ava is taking to the bottle which has been such an amazing thing! Now my hubby can feed her and allow me to have a couple hours to myself. Although I will admit after being gone an hour I start to feel a bit anxious and want to come home to her! Im hoping in time Ill be able to stay out a little longer without feeling anxious or rushed to get back. Here’s an effortless look I wore yesterday….

(Forever21 Jumpsuit and Jimmy Choo bag)

My outing yesterday was a much NEEDED trip to the Dry Bar! It felt so great to get my hair done!

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  1. You look great!

    FYI, your post-baby tummy looks like my regular tummy (and I have not had a baby. LOL). Love how healthy your lifestyle is — I work out every day now since I started reading your blog. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  2. Looking Gorgeous Andee… seriously apart from your glow I would never be able to tell you were pregnant! Hope you and the little munchkin are doing well!

    Much love from NYC


  3. Gorgeous! You can't even tell you were pregnant! Your hair looks great… I wish there was a dry bar close to me.

    Do you mind me asking if that's your natural hair color? My hair is dark black and I'd love to go a little lighter for the summer. I'm so scared though!

  4. You look better than ever! If you find a chance, please do a little house tour, your furniture looks so beautiful!

  5. was away for a bit so missed that you gave birth, congrats to both of you and you look amazing, couldn't tell you were pregnant just days ago! xoxo

  6. Wow I remember your post .."Were Expecting"! and have followed your journey!! congrats on your beautiful baby girl. Glad you were able to take some me time, you have to take care of YOU, to be the best mommy. You look amazing by the way

  7. You look amazing Andee! OMG I was at The Drybar yesterday too, the Newport location. Maybe one day I'll run into you there. Did you hear they're opening one in Costa Mesa next week?

  8. You look SO good!!! Absolutely amazing… God, please let me look like this after giving birth!! Let's be honest, I would happily take your looks right NOW!!! You are gorgeous, girl!!

    My mom told me that her and my dad took a vacation 6 weeks after she had me (obvi lol) and she got physically ill from being separated from me!! Apparently our body's chemicals/hormones do it so that a mother never gets too far away from her baby… Our bodies are truly amazing!!

  9. you look amazing as USUAL! nothing wrong with needing a little outing once the baby is here, lord knows i did!
    i have to ask– where is the bed from?? such a beautiful frame! ive never seen anything like it…

  10. You look great! Can you let us know which prenatal vitamins you took before and throughout the pregnancy? I'd love to know!
    Love your blog!

  11. I'm the same way and my baby is 11 months. I stil hate being away from her-which is rare anyways. I may be different with this new baby on the way. I may need to get out more to preserve my sanity from having 3 children in the house.

  12. Hello beauty pie! Congrats on getting out, getting your hair did, and looking like an absolutely effortless shining star mommy! Please do a post soon on losing the pregnancy weight…is it all due to your pre-pregnancy lifestyle? Healthy rocks! Amazing! xox!

  13. you look beautiful in that jumpsuite Andee. I can never for the life of me pull them off 🙁

    Oh, hubby and I found out today we're gonna have a daughter in August. So I'm going back and re-reading your pregnancy ideas and tips and they are so helpful 🙂

  14. You look amazing, Andee! I would never know that you just had a baby! You look fit as can be and your hair is gorgeous. Hope the little one is doing well!

  15. You look great! Which style of blowout did you get at Dry Bar? I'm considering getting my hair done there for my upcoming graduation and I love the style of the blowout you selected. : )

  16. I remember the first time I left my daughter for a dinner just down the road, before the hour was up I burst into tears and had to go home early! I totally get the anxiety feels!! It gets easier though! You look great!

  17. Your blog is so inspiring!! I absolutely adore your sense of fashion and check your blog daily for style updates! Can't wait to see more looks as we head into summer.

    I'm a 24-year-old new yorker and just absolutely adore you!! Keep up the amazing blog- its my new fav.

    Xox- Fallon R.

  18. Cosign on the house photos….

    You look beautiful, healthy and happy. Excited to see your little nugget turn into a beautiful, healty and happy little girl!

  19. LOL! Oh yes, those lovely hormonally induced anxieties! I think they're in place for a reason, to ensure baby is taken care of 😉
    It gets easier, but I still feel "funny" leaving our daughter in anyone's care, and she's 10!
    I too hit the salon for a quick wash & set yesterday, felt SO good to get pampered. The dry bars haven't reached our area yet, lots in Toronto though. But I'm pretty happy with the lady here, she charges me $15 for a fresh wash/blow dry/& curl, and I walk out feeling refreshed and purrrty! 😉

  20. Only 1 word can describe you: perfection.

    Absolutely stunning and beautiful. Your husband should be proud to have you in his life.

  21. You look great! I remember the anxiety of being away from my baby those first few weeks. It was like I was dying for a break, but then once I got it, I couldn't wait to get back. It took me awhile to realize that my babies are just fine without me for a little while…even if they cry 🙂 Good for you for getting out and doing something you enjoy. Looking forward to the birth story!

    I've recently gotten hooked on your nutrition posts and bought Ezekiel bread for the first time today! Thanks for the great healthy inspiration 😉

  22. You look so so gorgeous girl – and you are seriously so tiny already!!!! Can't wait to hear about your post pregnancy body update. And I love your furniture in the background – gorgeous! Where are those pieces from? 🙂

Look of the Day

Finding things in my wardrobe that still fit comfortably is becoming a bit of a challenge lately!I just cant bring myself to purchase anything new being that I only have a little over a month left!! (Give or take depending on this little ladies schedule)Thankfully I have a few normal pieces that I purchased a size up (before pregnancy) because I liked the flowy look. Here’s what I wore to dinner a few nights ago…

Forever21 Oversized Sweater, J brand jeggings, Steve Madden OTK wedge boots,Proenza Schouler PS1 bag and statement necklace from Shopbop.com

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    1. thanks girls! its crazy how much of a difference a flowy top can make (see me last outfit post where i was wearing a fitted one and the tummy was in FULL effect 😉

  1. can`t believe you`re due soon! thank you (in advance) for sharing your journey with us. you are hands down my favorite in preggo looks! i feel like i`m gonna end up dressing just like this one day. i love that you didn`t try to hide your baby bump, i would show off my bump too!

    xoxo, LC

  2. Hi Andee! Love your pregnancy fashion as much as your "regular?" fashion lol

    I have a question…
    What kind of outfits would you wear with these boots? http://pinterest.com/pin/118993615123942473/

    They are more of a camel color. I'm traveling out of the country and to an island where it's breezy and sometimes gets hot…but I absolutely love my boots and want to take them with me! Am I crazy for that?! lol

    1. those are super cute and great for travel as they are flat and probably very comfy! Obviously they'd be perfect with skinny jeans and practically any color top bc they are neutral. You could also wear them with leggings or a casual dress and cropped denim jacket or cardigan. great buy!

  3. You look so adorable. You look like you are few months along. Sooo lucky!!! Question, where did you have that table made in the background, if you don't mind me asking. That is exactly what I'm looking for.

  4. You look beautiful Andee, I love that sweater! So, everyone seems to be dying to know what lipstick you are wearing…including myself 🙂 You always have the best lip colors on.

  5. You're absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I could stare at you all day! LOL 🙂
    You really are a beautiful pregnant Mum to be!
    All the best for your last month!

Look of the Day

Finally got a couple Kimonos i’ve been living in lately. Here is one I wore from ASOS.com…..

Kimono Asos, C&C California top, Hudson flare denim, Alexander Wang bag, Cartier watch and bracelet

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  1. I have been trying to shop from Asos and they gave me the biggest headache asking for my license and passport and so on. Is that normal? I really want to buy some things for my man… And me 🙂 Lol.

    BTW. I love that you wear flares. I have always loved flares since high school 🙂

  2. @coco no that is not normal! ive been purchasing from them for years and never had to give my passport or license #! I would contact them by phone directly. Dont give out that personal info. and Im with you I LOVE flare!!! 😉

Look of the Day

Our new place is far from being finished but its slowly coming together! After a long week of furniture shopping and endless errands it was nice to get dressed up and have a fun date night in Miami with the hubs!

(wearing Zara high waist skirt, Target tank, Louboutin bibi pumps, Made Her Think talon ring, and Rebecca Minkoff mini chain bag)

Feelin’ sassy in South Beach 😉

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  1. You look gorgeous and I'm glad you're enjoying Miami! And I'm really digging the bright pops of color nowadays, I can't wait till I have my baby so I can try to be a fashionable mom….keyword TRY haha!

Look of the Day

Hope you gals are enjoying your weekend! Last night the hubby and I went to Laguna for a little date night….

Im REALLY loving cut away tanks right now! This one is from ASOS, Hudson wide leg flare,Banana Republic necklace and Jimmy Choo bag.

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  1. i love that tank..is it the 'it' vest from asos? i was looking for it and thats the only one i can find that looks like yours only yours looks baggier on the bottom?

    you look stunning btw 🙂

  2. this is so plain but it looks so cute and polished! Lol Texas weather is so hot it leaves little room for polished or jeans 🙁

  3. Thanks ladies! I fell in love with this necklace last year and was glad i finally got a chance to wear it! I love vintage and vintage looking jewelry!
    @Lucilouise it is the extreme cut out tank and i also have a similar one in black that is fitted call cut away tank.
    @Diamonddigger YES!!! still taking my maxi hair!! LOVE that stuff

  4. I absolutely love the cut away tank look too! If only I had the arms to pull them off! =( You look absolutely stunning as always. (P.s. I get so excited every time I see that you've commented on my blog! Lol. I'm sort of obsessed with you! ;P You're even on my blog roll and I must say I check your blog most frequently than any other!)

  5. Andee what nail polish are you wearing in these pictures. It's amazing!! So summery. Ive been looking everywhere for a colour like this.

  6. I adore this look & re-pinned it onto my Pinterest board a while ago! I recently started my own blog CousCousandCorkWedges.Blogspot.com & used the image on a post I was doing on the rebirth of the flare & of course credited the whole look to you using this web address. I hope thats OK with you?! Best Wishes Andrea x

Look of the Day

Hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend! Its so beautiful here in OC and feels like Summer already! Here’s a look I wore to lunch and shopping with a girlfriend yesterday…

(tank is from Target, High waist maxi from random boutique ($20!), long necklace Elizabeth and James, horizontal cross necklace Jennifer Zeuner, and Alexander Wang hobo)

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  1. Love this outfit on you! I'm still trying to find a black maxi skirt. Actually Target had a really cute one but I had to return it as it was see-through. Their tanks are my favs 🙂

Look of the Day

Hi loves!! We are finally back from NYC and had such an amazing time!! I need to upload pics so post to come soon! We came back to rainy weather here in OC so here was my rainy day look I wore to class this am…

(Banana Republic beanie, F21 Oversized sweater, Gap Peacoat, Hudson jeans, Hunter boots and Givenchy bag)

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Look of the Day

Happy Monday Ladies! Hope you all are enjoying the holiday madness! Here are some random looks from last week I wanted to share…

(Forever21 top and high waist pants, Christian Louboutin platforms)

(Chloe leather bomber jacket and Urban Outfitter scarf and tee)

(Elizabeth & James top, Chain necklace from Nordstroms, J brand jeans, Luxury Rebel over the knee boots and Balenciaga bag)

(Forever21 flannel, jeans and leather vest from Target, Ash cuff boots and Alexander Wang bag)

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  1. I looovvee everything! I wish I found a faux leather vest at target like that. The chloe jacket is incredible!! Oh and I am love with your christmas tree, I need to set mine up asap!

  2. thanks ladies! @angiepants I LOVE mixing high end and low end pieces. There are so many great pieces out there in different price ranges. Theres no need to spend a ton of cash! @ Linsady with an A…congrats love cant wait to check out your pics!
    and that christmas tree was actually at a resort my girlfriend and i went to. My home Christmas decor post to come soon 🙂

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