Look of the Day: Printed Pants

I adore printed pants and they’ve definitely been my go to lately! I love how versatile they are. You can wear them dressed up like I did here with sexy heels and a silk racerback tank for a night out…
(Pants and top from Forever21, Hermes wrap bracelet and Christian Louboutin platforms)
Or wear them during the day with gladiator flats and a cotton tank for a more casual laid back look…
(Susana Monaco tank, Joie printed pants, Sam Edelman flats and Jimmy Choo bag)
Get the look with these pieces…

*Click on the set for details
 p.s. I previously posted on the floral print pants on the bottom right and I received them last week. LOVE them and can’t wait to wear them out!

So how about you ladies, are you feeling the printed pants?!
If you have already don’t forget to enter my Pop Secret Giveway HERE for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card! 

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  1. Love them! I bought a couple of pair recently for a trip to Hawaii and they were perfect for casual dinners out paired with a tank and Havaianas.

  2. I'm trying to find the Joie pants on the website but not showing them. That pattern will work perfectly for an event I have coming up….do you have a direct link to them?

  3. You always look beautiful no matter what you wear!! Anyway, just wanted to ask are you naturally tan, or do you use self tanners? If you use self tanner which one would you recommend ?

    1. thank you.. I'm part Sicilian so i naturally have olive skin. I can't use a lot of self tanners because I also have crazy sensitive skin. Sorry I can't be more help in that department. xo

  4. Oh I love these outfits, Andee! I especially love the second one, as it looks so comfy! I like those pants as they are not too wide but wide enough. Can you make some other outfit posts about the wider leg pants? Like what tops to wear to wear with them and how? Thank you 🙂 I just love your style and that you provide different options/ideas of how to dress and give nice affordable suggestions.

  5. I am in LOVE with your style! What do you say is worth splurging on in terms of shoes, bags and clothing. I know you love cheap F21 but you also wear lots of designer items so I am always on edge about where to spend a lot of money. I find it hard to spend alot on something that is a trend. I rather spend more on classic pieces but would LOVE your opinion! xo

    1. you hit the nail on the head…if its a trend that I don't think will be around for more than a couple years I tend to by them at cheap chic places like F21 H&M and Zara. I tend splurge on bags, sunglasses and shoes because I wear them so much more and will have them for years. Hope this helps xo

  6. Hi Andee,

    Can we have a makeup breakdown of both pics? Your makeup matches both outfits perfectly. Also, you are looking very tanned! 🙂

  7. Where did you get your bead bracelets in the bottom pic? I heart them 🙂 thank you and keep the daily fashion outfits coming. It really helps me out.

  8. Andee- Love the pants 🙂 This is random but I am looking for a case for my iPhone 5 and like the look of yours… would you mind sharing what case you have? Thanks!

    1. check the kiosk at your local mall they usually have something similar. You can also try Shopbop.com where I originally got mine and it was by Sketch

  9. Hey Andee would you mind sharing where your comforter if from? I know thats kind of random but I see it in all of your photos and it looks like it could be down but yours is so much fluffier than mine! Thank you and you look gorg in both outfits I love your style!

  10. You look so glam even in your casual outfits 🙂
    I have some printed pants from last summer and I think I should get them out again. They are so comfy too!
    Hannah x

  11. Andee! This may be a strange question but have you ever thought about making youtube videos? I'm curious as to why you aren't already as you have SO many followers and you have so many amazing things to share with other women! I would love to watch xo

  12. Love both looks! Here's a random question for you about hemming… with the bottom wide leg pants do you get those hemmed to wear with flats or do you wear them long so you can still wear them with wedges? I always am torn over to hem any pants or maxis to wear with flats? (I know you wear wedges a lot though) just curious!!

  13. Loving the printed pants look! Do the Joie pants run big? I'm similar size to you, and can't decide between small or x-small. Final sale, so I have to get it right.

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