Liz Lange for Target

I posted on Honeybee Facebook and Instagram this weekend about my love for Liz Lange for Target maternity clothes. The material is super comfortable, flattering and you can’t beat the price point! I HIGHLY recommend this line for all my expecting mama’s out there! Here is a dress I purchased a couple weeks ago and it was only $35! (Its in the set below as well)

(38 Weeks pregnant)

I’ve been living in this dress lately! Liz Lange maxi dress, Levi denim jacket, Urban Outfitter leopard print scarf, Bottega Venetta bag and Rolex watch.

Here are some of my favorite basics from her line available at Target…

*Click on the set for details

I own 3 or 4 of the basic tanks and will definitely still wear them after pregnancy as well!

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  1. Love her maternity pieces! I have 2 shirts, one tank, and a dress. The extra length is perfect and luckily for me I am still able to wear my jeans at 28 weeks (with the rubber band trick!!)

    1. aren't they great! Lucky your still able to rock your regular jeans! I was able to do so till about a couple weeks ago and now things I can wear are very limited haha

  2. So so gorgeous!! And I absolutely love that dress – Target has some pretty awesome stuff 🙂 Where is your denim jacket from? I've been wanting a cute one like that forever now!

    1. thanks Shayla its actually by Levi and I purchased it at Urban Outfitter last year. I recently saw some pretty similar styles from F21 as well or you may want to check out

  3. You look absolutely gorgeous, Andee! A darling dress on you. Maternity clothing is a lot more stylish than it used to be, isn't it! You wear everything well! You have very striking features and black is stunning on you.

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