Little Miss Ava update

Hi ladies, I wanted to apologize quickly for the back to back sponsored posts the last couple days. I do try my best to space those out but sometimes the companies switch up the launch dates for and it messes up my schedule. So again sorry about the overload. On another note its been awhile since I’ve done an Ava update. I have been scaling back on the bambino posts as I go back and forth all the time about putting her pics on here. I’m sure some you mamas go through the same thoughts as well. I tend to do a little more of her on Instagram since my account is set to private. Anyhow I’ve decided every once in awhile ill do a little update, so here we go….

You ladies weren’t joking when you said its madness once the walking starts! She had been taking a few steps since her first birthday but didn’t actually start full on walking until a couple weeks ago. Now there is NO stopping her!  Its definitely a game changer when we’re out now because she doesn’t want to be held or strapped in any kind of seat! This little lady on the move! lol

She getting so big already! Ava is talking more and more but everything is pretty much “Dada and Louie”(go figure). She must say their names 100 times a day! She loves dancing and is OBSESSED with Elmo! Its pretty much the only show she will sit down and watch. I just can’t believe what a little person she is becoming!

Her sleep time is now more 7:30 or 8:00 (before it was 6:30!) and she loves waking up at 6:30….sweet! 😉

We have our not so great days as well but it only takes something as simple as peek a boo to melt me and make it all worth it!

No words for the two of them!! xo

This little kitchen set from Target is the best $16 I’ve spent. She’s obsessed with all of them!

And of course she is the master of milk art! Is there a sippy cup out there that doesn’t leak?!!! I would love to know if you mamas have found a magic sippy cup! 
As far as toys and products I will do an updated post soon! I’m actually on the hunt for one of those water tables (I’ve seen they’ve been a hit with lots of my fellow mamas) and am also looking for a wagon for the beach and car seat for our bikes. If you ladies have recommendations on good ones i’d love to hear them!! 

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  1. oh my goodness, she's growing so fast! my baby girl is only 14 weeks, so you are giving me good recommendations for the future. i can't wait for the next toy post 🙂

  2. Love that kitchen set – Sophia has been getting so bored with her toys lately, so the other day I gave her a bunch of (real) kitchen utensils and she's obsessed – might have to head to Tarjay and snag that one. We are looking for a baby seat for our bikes too – hellooo summer bike rides! 😉


  3. i am SO happy to get an official Ava report on here!!!
    as for sippy cups, try the think baby cup…CC got it last week and it's been a big hit, with little to no mess left behind.
    as for the water table, we got the little tikes spiraling seas waterpark and she LOVES IT

  4. The pic of her in her crib is a spitting image of you!! Crazy! She is so adorable and that picture of her and her daddy is the cutest thing ever. It must be so much fun with her little personality shining through:) Thanks for sharing Andee xoxo Have a great weekend! The weather is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL<3

  5. oh, my heart!! These are such precious photos. I can't wait to see her again! It's definitely been too long 🙁 She is truly a beauty and getting so growns! Kiss those cheeks for me! xoxo

  6. These are so so cute! I'm not sure if you've come across this website before, but it might help increase Ava's milk decorating experience:

    It's an amazing website with tons of at home creative ideas. It's not my website, I promise!

  7. Hi Andee, I am a new Instagram follower and new mom to a 13-month old so I can relate to alot of your posts. Check out, we live in the DC metro area and it is great in the city. Take care! -KBathrick

  8. Does she do straw cups? We love our Zoli Bot, and it hasn't leaked. The sleeping pic is so sweet.

  9. She is absolutely adorable!!! I can't believe how long her eyelashes are! I LOVE the peek a boo pic. You have a gorgeous family.

  10. The walking is crazy! All I do all day is run cycles around the house… have to check out that cooking set next target run, was just about to order one on amazon but love all the pieces that one includes!

    1. yes definitely worth every penny! ps I left you a comment on your blog not sure if you received it. You won one of my giveaways and want to get you your gift card asap but need your first name love…email or reply asap so they don't choose the runner up instead! xo

  11. Headed to Target to get that kitchen set for Viv STAT! She would love love that!! Watch out world, here comes little Ava – I hear ya on how walking changes EVERYTHING. It's a whole 'nother world, but mine were all much happier children when they became mobile!

  12. So many of the things you describe Ava doing, my Gia does too! Littles are so funny. So are you guys getting the baby leash, lol!! We go thru alot of sippy cups here, I've been buying Nuk ones. They have some cute leopard print ones right now. Loving Ava updates. Xo

    1. I actually bought one years ago for Amira when she was small. I basically used it going to and from tbe car. Not so much in the store or zoo type walking. It was a pink poodle backpack thing. When it comes to walking with Gia she will hold your hand or run like crazy! Ha. Sometimes when we go to the market she refuses to sit in the front seat and screams and flails her arms and legs. Its so embarrassing but wjat do I do ya know??? Fun mama moments 😉

  13. She's great! My little guy is almost 20 months and I love having a busy, funny little toddler 🙂
    Do you get Tommee Tippee products over the pond? They do loads of different cups and we have several from them which cannot be poured out (as little V loves to do when he gets the chance!!!) They have a little non-drip valve in the lid.
    Hannah x

    1. Hi Hannah! Yes we do get Tommee Tippee cups over here! It seems like that brand and NuK were the top recommended ones by my mamas on here so ill be trying them both! thanks xoox

  14. I am not ready for our 7 month old to walk soon. Ugh…it goes too fast. The water and sand tables are so perfect here are some great ones on amazon:

    I did a blog post on a few fun summer things here:

    Just discovered your blog, love it and Ava is precious!

  15. Andee you should get the app Keek! 🙂 It's so fun and I'd love to follow you on there as lots of other bloggers have it as well! xo

  16. awww she's such a little lady!! she is so beautiful, i've been missing the updates! but as much as i love these posts, I totally understand your hesitation about putting her pics up.

  17. I am liking the Nuby no spill sippy cup. It has a
    "straw" and you actually have to suck on it so tipping it upside down won't spill. HTH!


  18. My husband is a triathlete like yours, and has been an avid cyclist for years. He doesn't want a bike seat for our little one (too worried about kiddo messing with balance and having a fall), but after a lot of research has requested the Burley D'Lite (he's also obsessed with SPF sports gear)… maybe something to consider? If you find a different great option, I hope you post about it! 🙂

  19. Ava is just beautiful! She has the melt your heart look down! Love these posts but completely understand your hesitation on posting her pics. I do hope to hear what bike seat and wagon you end up with! I just bought the Think Baby sippy cup as I heard good things. xo

    1. Thanks so much hun! Im hoping to get a bike seat later this months a wagon is a must! Ill definitely keep you ladies updated with what I go with!

  20. Tommee Tippee sippy cups are amazing! My daughter is just starting to use them and she tries hard to make a mess, but can't!

  21. Hi andee- your babe is gorgeous!! Love her little curls in he hair, my lil boy had curls too and I can't get enough of them! Except everyone thinks he's a girl:) I jut found the best cups for my lil man that I think you world love. They are by Zo•li and its the boy cup. It's a straw cup which is more developmentally appropriate apparently learning to drink from a straw. It has a weighted ball at the bottom so when they drink even at an angle they can get every last drop. It has two handles so easy for them to hold. It doesn't leak from what I noticed so far unless my son is banging it which happens a lot:) anyhow I think you would love it! We get ours on amazon.

  22. Love the Ava updates! We use the NUK brand sippy cups and they don't leak at all ( i can only find them at Walmart though) As for the beach wagon, we just bought one from Costco and looooove it… it's big enough to hold everything, but not too bulky

  23. She's such a beauty! We get the Munchkin sippy cups from Target that come in a two pack. They are pretty tall and come in different girl and boy patterns and have removable leak proof inserts and we don't have issues with them leaking (Macy loves milk art as well). We also have a Tommee Tippee that is too small for her now but that one never leaked either (it was a little harder for her to drink from though). We got Macy's water/sand table (we just put water on both sides) from Costco for less than $40 and it's been a big hit. I saw a friend do a genius thing on Facebook with the water table: she cooked spaghetti and then put the noodles in the water in the table and said her daughter was busy with them for an hour! I'm trying it out next week.

  24. She's beautiful! I can't believe she's walking. It goes by too fast, mine will be One soon, Im not ready for it. As far as sippy cups go, I have to agree with a few other moms on here, the Nuk ones are the best, thy don't leak at all.

  25. I have a daughter just a couple months younger than your daughter; sippy cups that is GUARANTEED not to leak: Tommy Tippee. She uses the ones with the straws that pop up and down. They work wonderfully! Best of luck…

  26. Ive been following your blog for a while…I am a HS friend of Maggies 🙂 You HAVE to get a WEE ride, for the bike seat. My kids are now 6 & 4 and both love love loved riding with my Husband in that thing. They sit in front of the rider, so you can actually see them & they have a little shelf type thing, so they can rest their hands. We moved to Australia a few years back and we made sure that thing came with us. My Husband would come home from work and the kids would beg to go on a ride – it was totally their special time with him. Good luck! xx Ahna

    1. Hi Ahna! Ive heard so many good things about you from Maggie 😉 How amazing you lived in Australia! Thanks so much for the recommendation I will DEF be looking into that one! Maybe we can meet up for a drink or something next time Mags is in town! xo

  27. I loved the playtex coolster tumblers for my kids. It kept their milk cold n no spills! Instead of buying new cups, I ordered replacement lids when the lids needed to be tossed.

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