Lighter Locks

I’ve had black hair for 10+ years and was way overdue for a change! After several trips to the salon I FINALLY was able to get all of the black out! It was definitely a process but I’m happy with my new lighter locks. I love dark hair and miss it sometimes but this is a softer look and a fun change. I posted this pic of it on instagram yesterday. Several of you asked about my top, so I wanted to post a link for you (posted below).

Its actually on sale right now as well….

*Click on the set for more details

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  1. Love the hair! Be sure to use purple shampoo to keep it from getting brassy. I recommend blonda by unite 🙂

    Also, what size are you wearing in the top? I love how it fits you!

  2. Love the hair! Be sure to use purple shampoo to keep it from getting brassy. I recommend blonda by unite 🙂

    Also, what size are you wearing in the top? I love how it fits you!

  3. Hi Andee, I love your hair! Could you post a non-instagram photo of it sometime? Instagram is neat, but sometimes I like pictures a bit clearer if it's for fashion or beauty!Have a great week!:)

  4. Loving your lighter locks, you can pull off anything! I've been dying to lighten up my naturally black hair but im so scared of the process!

  5. Hi Andee,

    Love the lighter hair! I have also gone lighter after years of having dark brown hair and I love it. I feel like I don't have to wear as much makeup, which I like. Also, you posted a pic on instragram of your family at a picnic. Could you please tell me where the dress you are wearing is from? Its so gorgeous!

    1. thanks hun I'm still getting used to it (as i loved having dark hair) but am feeling the softer color. The dress in the pic was actually from Old Navy. I'm not sure if they still have in store bc I purchased it a few months ago 🙁

  6. Your hair looks great!! You could wear any color of the rainbow and you would still look good! I love that makeup, can you share a breakdown, please?

    1. thank you! you are too kind! Im wearing estee lauder double wear foundation…on my eyes i forget what is on the lid (ill have to double check) but i know its Mac saddle in the crease and Mac Swiss Chocolate in the outer V. NYC liquid liner and Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara.

  7. You look good in light and dark hair. Lucky you!!! What blush and lip color are you wearing? You face looks great very glory!!

  8. I need some HELP.
    I just purchased a pair of Hudson coated skinny jeans from Nordstrom, called "krista." I usually have no problem putting outfits together, but for some reason when I brought these home, I'm at a loss as to what to wear with them. Maybe because they are such a unique style. But I'm having serious "fashion block" with them. Can you do a post about different things to wear with them? Shoes included! I would love that! I still have the tags on them because I'm just not sure.

  9. Great look, great blog! I've partnered with famed Bev Hills dermatologist on a fab holiday giveaway! Oprah just named The Lancer Method Luxury Skincare Collection ($300) as one of her favorite things and I'm giving away one set to a lucky reader!

    Hope you enter. Good luck!
    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane

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