Life Via the Camera Roll

Sorry for the lack of posts last week but I took a much needed breather and soaked in all the goodness of being home with my family. I hope you ladies had a beautiful Christmas and am wishing you all a blessed new year! 2012 has been the best and most memorable year of my life! Don’t get me wrong it has definitely been a lot of work but couldn’t imagine life any other way. Life is too precious to sweat the small stuff and focus on the things that really shouldn’t matter. I know we’ve all probably said this at some point in our life but having our sweet baby girl has really made that a reality for me. I’m sure many of you can relate! 
Here are a few pics via the camera roll from our visit back east……..
I love my moms Christmas spirit… She has always made the holidays so special for us and I hope to be able to do the same for Ava!
and yes that would be a GINORMOUS inflatable snow man lol
Ava got to meet her newest little cousin Liam! 
Snow Snow Snow! Did I mention I was really excited for all the snow?! 😉
and SEVERAL pajama wearing hot cocoa drinking kind of days! 
My little peanut butter is growing up way to quickly! 
Christmas morning snuggles with daddy! 
Hope you ladies have a Blessed New Year in 2013!!!! Do you have any new year resolutions?!

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  1. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family. You are so right with not sweating the small stuff because at the end of the day family is what is important. Love the pics. What is the natural lipstick you wear in the pic with your daughter? Absolutely love that picture!

  2. I don't make resolutions usually, but now that my kids are SO into outdoor inflatables and beg for me to get one for our own home (which I've resisted in the past), I think I will resolve to give in Christmas 2013. It would seriously make them so happy, and isn't that what the holidays are all about – our kiddos??!! Happy New Year girl – that Ava is so stinkin' cute, you seriously should consider getting her a sister or a brother sometime soon! Ha!

  3. Happy New Year! We are also visiting family back east, and have been so excited about all of the snow. Ava is adorable! May I ask where the sleeper in the pic with her cousin is from? Super cute!

  4. aww Andee you are soo gorgeous and i love all your posts and pics, May God Bless you and your beautiful family! Oh and my new years resolution is always to get a flat tummy but its just sooo hard lol and I LOVE food!!! 🙂 Any tips??

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