Life Lately (Newborn Edition)

Hi lovelies! Seems like the middle of the day may be my new posting time because were still a bit in survival mode over here 😉 Our little Luca is already one month old (how the heck did that happen already?!). With Ava I swear the says seems to drag on but this time around the days seem to be flying by. I will say this time around has been SO much better! The choppy sleep part is still difficult and the balancing act is still a work in progress but I definitely feel like were getting in the swing of things already! So here are some random shots of life lately (the newborn edition 😉

We’ve had  our share of long nights lately but as exhausted as we are i’m trying to soak all these sweet moments in because I know they do go by so fast.

and yes my camera roll is full of sweet sleeping babe pics 😉
Fresh juices and my favorite oversized sunnies are a new mama MUST! 

Our current Friday nights look like this with these two hams 😉 I remember when we had Ava we didn’t leave the house for practically a month but on the second go round you don’t really have a choice. We started going out with Luca when he was about a week old.

Dinner date selfie (party of four 😉 Love this man and am seriously SO thankful he is such a big help! We’ve been doing a lot of tag team with the kiddos right now. He usually ends up taking Ava because i’m breastfeeding (non stop) but i’m missing all the time I used to have with her. Hopefully once I get a little supply going of milk I can sneak away for some more one on one time.

Makeup is mamas best friend right now 😉
One of my go to pink lip Mac Velvet Teddy, Joes Jeans (sold out but my other go to pair HERE) and the  Nude polish is Revlon’s Elegant
rocker tee (Target similar HERE)// flannel (Zara similar HERE)// leather leggings // mini chucks
Ava’s little rocker chic look! I can’t wait till Luca gets a little older and  I can start dressing him in fun outfits! Right now its all about convenient onesies for him.

I have a full postpartum check in post coming up soon along with new mama outfits per your request!
Hope you ladies have a great weekend!

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  1. God bless yoy and your lovely family!
    I have to tell you you're different than other bloggers somehow. I feel like you're more natural and true. Not trying to be someone else like many bloggers do. Maybe because you don't have to. And you're naturally beautiful without tons of makeup 😉

  2. So happy for you girl! I am having my first in a little over a month now! (33 weeks currently). Any tips on how you recover from birth? I am so scared of tearing and all the other glorious things that come along w/ birth. (sorry if thats TMI).

    Beautiful baby boy. We plan on delivering at HOAG as well.

    1. awww yeah congrats to you and HOAG is the best!!! Oh as far as recovery every delivery is different but lets just say there is nothing glamorous about the first couple weeks of "healing" of birth but it too shall pass 😉

  3. Congrats on your baby boy! He's gorgeous! We seem to be on the same schedule with baby birthing :). I have a little girl who will be 3 in May and my son was born 2/12 – so I really look forward to your posts because I can certainly relate! Congrats again to your family!!

  4. I really look forward to your posts because we delivered around the same time. I can't wait to see a post on post partum style and exercise. Just curious…how do you stay awake during night feedings? I am feeding every 3 hours and I cant watch tv (too bright for little one)
    Thanks andee!!

    1. ugh you're so lucky you're feeding every 3 hours! My little one is up practically every hour right now! I usually go on my phone but i find sometimes it wakes him so I cant always go on.

  5. Love those baby pics when they're tiny and asleep on your chest. Is there anything better? I have a 16 month old boy, and those tiny days feel like yesterday! Congrats on your new, handsome addition. I only have one right now, and the idea of two is daunting…you look like you're transitioning well. Wish you the best.

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