Last Day for Nordstrom Clearance! (Men & Kids edition)

I had a different post scheduled for today but forgot tomorrow is the last day for Nordstrom’s Major Clearance mark downs! I shared my picks for us last week and this week i’m sharing my favorite clearance picks for kiddos and the man in your life! Christmas season has officially begun so here are some easy gift ideas on major mark down right now….

Luckily guys tend to be pretty easy to shop for! For my hubby I keep it pretty simple with great fitting basic tees (because he won’t splurge on those for himself) and some on trend kicks! I also think luggage is an awesome gift to give. It’s not something most men typically like to splurge on but they will have it for years and years to come. Tumi makes such classic pieces and this one is over $100 off!

Tons of great apparel on clearance in the kiddo department! I ordered that little leopard hoodie for Ava and she already owns a couple pairs of the shoes in this set! The car seat is one we have and love and its also on sale right now! So if you’re in the market for a car seat you may want to look into this one!

Happy Shopping!

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  1. Hi. Random question… I was wondering if you use Photoshop or a different app to lay out all the items you want to display? I love your site by the way! I am just now, getting into the blogging world and I love it – very addicting though 😉

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