Joie Look for Less

Ive been eyeing this Joie top for months but couldn’t bring myself to spend $200 on it. While watching for it to go on sale I came across this similar style from Urban Outfitters and had to snag it! I just got it in the mail yesterday and LOVE it so I thought I would share it with you ladies! The Urban Outfitters top was only $30!

* Click the set for more info

 I also received my gold spike necklace from TheAlteredChain on Etsy and love it! You probably already know Cheryl from  The Little Brunette Mermaid blog but I highly recommend checking out her Etsy shop HERE. She has so many great affordable pieces!

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  1. Love the necklace and that UO top! Thinking about buying the UO version after lusting after the Joie one as well! Is the top you're wearing in that photo different than the UO top? I noticed it didn't have the black band at the top. Just wondering!

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