Jacket Junkie

Ive always been a bit of a jacket junkie. More than shoes or bags for some reason I LOVE a great jacket! My husband is the same way. He has so many amazing jackets and we always joke that we should live somewhere cold because in SoCal you only have a small window to wear them. Here are some I’ve been pinning on Pinterest recently…
My favorites are Rick Owens, Helmut Lang, Veda, and Burberry! Unfortunately those are also crazy pricey. Zara makes some pretty great versions if your lucky enough to snag them as soon as they come in! Also Muubaa and All Saints have great options!

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  1. Hey hun, I too love a good jacket/coat. Luckily lol here in the UK it's always cold so there's more chance of having a fuller Autumn/Winter wardrobe and needing a new coat more often. Which mind you, requires plenty of key pieces to use and re-use! I've been so excited last few days checking out stores for their new Fall editions – I can't wait to find my perfect Jacket! You should check out the faux fur babies jackets, Ava would look sooooo cute in one! – I bought one for my niece the other day totally looked gorgeous on her xxxxx

  2. Oh la la, chic choices! That's a funny habit considering you live somewhere warm. Does it ever get chilly in OC? If you lived here (Toronto, ON Canada), you'd have so many excuses to buy as many coats as your heart desires, b/c it's usually freezing 8-10 months out of the year. That's the explanation I give to my fiancé whenever I'm buying (another) coat, lol!

    1. my hubby lived in Toronto for years so i think thats were his jacket obsession came from. It really doesnt get that cold her in Socal maybe from early Nov to Feb.

  3. I think you are pretty enough to wear any average priced jacket, and still make it look like million bucks. If I was you I wouldn't worry about buying something expensive, because i know no matter what i wear would look good.

  4. Andee-

    You mention your hubby is a jacket junkie… Did you shop for him or does he also have a keen fashion sense? If you do, could you do a piece on guys clothes/accessories?

    Im always the one to pick out my guys clothes. He acts like a lost puppy in a clothing store!

    1. you know he used to have a pretty good fashion sense when I met him but now he is so cute and always asks my opinion or to pick things out for him! He is so casual and could care less what he looks like so i always have to say "your wearing that?!" lol

  5. I LOVE coats & jackets too! My hubby gets too hot in them, even in cold weather so my girls & I make up for him by buying double 🙂 They have some really awesome baby one's at Children's Place, Gymboree & Old Navy – so now your whole family can be rockin' the outerwear! Love your blog!!

  6. I bought the cutest peacoat trench jacket from
    Wilson Leather yesterday. I never go in there, but saw it through the window, and had to have it. Wish I could post a picture. It was $240, on sale for $80…which was
    a plus!

  7. Love your style! I realize you are in a warmer climate but wondering if you had any recommendations for a cute fitting and cute looking fleece jacket for fall and winter. Thanks!

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