Hourglass Maxi

Good morning ladies! Happy St. Patty’s day to you! While I’m definitely a holiday celebrating kind of gal I have to admit St. Patricks day has never been one I get very into. However I do love seeing all your festive pics on your blogs and instagram! I hope you all had a great weekend. We have a busy couple of weeks ahead so this weekend was pretty mellow for us. I spent it doing some serious Spring cleaning (Shop Honeybee update to come soon!) and then a little beach time with the fam.
 Today’s look is one that I have been digging for quite sometime, the illusion dress! It’s sexy and flattering and who doesn’t want that hourglass shape?! 
This one is a style steal from Windsor and was only $40! 

Photos by Steady Jenny
Also last chance to enter to win my Panera giveaway HERE!

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  1. Beautiful! You look absolutely stunning!!! Love these night out posts. I definitely bought the Reformation Scorpion top that you posted on Instagram a few weeks back! Thank you so much for showing us these amazing pieces! xxoo

  2. O-M-G!!!!!!! Lady…. you belong on a red carpet!! Love this look and these pics….Werrrrrk 😉 xoxoxo

  3. On the first look, you looked too skinny and tiny to me, but on the second…seriously, you should model!!!

  4. I want to order that dress! What kind of underwear do you reccomend lol I always avoid bodycon dresses because of pantylines. Btw, Hope you guys are ok I heard there was an Earthquake this morning xo

  5. Hi Andee. You're so stunning! Did you get a size small or XS in this dress? I think we're close to the same size….although I think I am a tad shorter. Thanks 🙂

  6. Seriously, did every head turn? Fabulosity!���� Mind if i ask where you wore this? As a SAHM, I wouldn't have too many places to wear this. (Aside from a date night) Your life seems so glamorous!!

    1. ;))) you're so sweet thank you! This dress is definitely more of "special occasion" dress. I promise my life is definitely not so glamorous all the time! I wore this in LA for a girlfriends bday celebration.

  7. How was that dress only $40 dollars!! I am shocked. You look amazing! When I found this pin on pinterest I thought to myself I could never afford that dress lol. It is Gorgeous!

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