Hot Mama Style: Jessica Alba

I’m starting a new series on the blog called “Hot Mama Style”. Its pretty self explanatory but I LOVE seeing other moms that have a family and still make an effort to put themselves together. It’s such an inspiration for me so I wanted to share them with you! As a mom myself i’ve had those moments where you feel like because you’ve had a baby you’re suddenly less desirable. Jessica Alba definitely shows us that just because you’ve had kids doesn’t mean you can’t still be sexy and fashionable!  My family will always come first but I think its SO important to still have a sense of self and feel good about yourself!  So thank you to Jessica Alba for showing us how its done 😉 Here are some of my favorite Hot Mama looks from her…
Hot Hot Hot 
Trade in your mom jeans for a pair of skinny jeans 😉 add a fitted blazer and comfy wedges! 
All black and cool sunnies give a relaxed but chic vibe!
Skinnies, wedge sneaks, leather jacket and printed scarf for everyday! 
Ready for Spring! A floral blazer, bright skinnies and statement heels are perfect for a mamas day out! 
LOVE this hair! A leather blazer and long thick chain gives her look a little edge.
Maxi dress, cross the body bag, comfy wedges and wide brim fedora are ALL mommy must haves you’ll wear over and over again! 
Hope you ladies enjoy these these Hot Mama Styles! xo

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  1. She's such a hot mama – I met with a personal trainer yesterday, and she asked me who's body I would like and I told her Jessica Alba, please ;). Love this series! xo

  2. Great Series! Very inspiring for me as a new momma (of a 4 month old boy, Gavin) and I couldn't agree with you more! I actually have had long hair forever and finally chopped it off like the second to last picture (scaryyyy!!) as one way to get myself feeling stylish again and not so mommy blah! lol! And just so you know, I use your blog to inspire me in the same way 🙂

    And since you mentioned the must have wide brim fedora and cute wedges… have you see any good options for either for spring/summer? Thanks as always! 🙂

  3. LOOOOOVEEEEEEEE this idea! You are definetly one hot mama as well and Jessica can take inspiration from you as well!!Totally looking forward to this:)

  4. Jessica is ALWAYS an inspiration! She is such a hottie! Obviously she's a girl after my own heart because I love my skinny jeans and blazers quite a lot.

    Andee, you are the biggest hot mama inspiration!

  5. Andee, I think is excellent to still do your best to look pretty, but don't forget that Jessica Alba, like other celebrities, have nannies and maids to do a lot of the work for them, while us, real housewives, do it on our own!

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