Hot Mama Style: Gwen Stefani

I hope you ladies had a great Mothers Day yesterday! Sticking with the mama theme lets get back to my Hot Mama Style series with the number one rocker chic mom, Gwen Stefani! Im pretty positive  Kingston and Zuma have THE COOLEST mom in town! Her edgy style always inspires me to spice up my wardrobe and take a little bit more of a risk. Here are some of my favorite looks by Gwen….
Even her white tee’s are far from basic! 

I LOVE this look! I would probably just wear it with regular skinny jeans but the ankle boots, beanie, rocker tee and red lips change the whole look of a classic blazer!

I love how her hair and makeup always add a little extra drama to her looks
ahhh obsessed! 
She’s just as gorgeous even without her signature red lip! 

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  1. I have mad love for Gwen! She's just the epitome of cool and I-don't-give-a-fudge attitude. Her makeup is always on point, too. hehe Hollaback girl! 🙂

  2. Love her! I actually prefer her without the bright red lips. The first time I saw her with some nude lipstick I jumped on the Gwen band wagon! But either way she is absolutely beautiful and seems like such a hands on mama. Perfect choice for Hot Mama of the week! 🙂

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