Who doesnt love pasta?!! I make this dish at least once a week and we looove it! You can eat pasta and stay in shape as long as you make it healthy. I purchased all my ingredients from Trader Joes…
The key to a healthy pasta is VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES. I literally throw in every type of vegetable we have in our fridge. This week I had three bells peppers, onions, garlic cloves, and mushrooms. By adding tons of veggies you fill up faster on eating more of the veggies than you would pasta.Heat two table spoons of Olive oil (or Canola oil) and saute your veggies until soft.
Start boiling your noodles. I use Organic noodles from Trader Joes and Organic pasta Sauce also from Trader Joes.I know its not always realistic to buy everything organic. My rule of thumb is if you cant pronounce the ingredients…it doesnt belong in your cupboard. When choosing a sauce be sure to check the calorie and sugar content. The sauce i use has 45 calories and 4grams of sugar ( per half cup) which is awesome! Some are loaded with sugar so be sure to check!
Not all meat is created equal! I use 94% lean ground beef to keep my pasta super healthy! Ive used ground turkey in the past but you have to be careful because some have more fat than beef! I love using this 94% lean beef because it tastes just as good without the added fat and calories! Now just add your meat with your veggies until cooked. Season to taste with sea salt and ground pepper. Then pour in your sauce…simmer for 5 minutes
I sprinkles fresh basil and Parmesan shavings on top and you’re done!

Wow looks delicious! Okay, so I wanna be like you. You are gorgeous, stylish, and you can cook. I love trader joes by the way. Thats where I get 90% of my food. 🙂
looks yummy!!!
Looks so delicious!!!!
omgsh, looks so yummy!
you're such a talent.
<3 dennica pearl
Thanks for sharing!
I am seriously salivating right now. WOW.
That looks amazing! I am going to try this for dinner sometime this week!
This is my kind of pasta!:D Thanks for posting this!:D
Happy Wednesday!:D
Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
& Life According to Marie.
looks delish!
wow that pasta looks deliciousssss!!! 😀
great blog by the way xoxox
I love to cook healthy pasta dishes when I'm in a time crunch, or just feeling lazy! So glad someone agrees about the turkey vs. beef subject! You really have to read labels.
One of these days I'm going to attempt to make one of your appetizing dishes…I swear
seriously its so easy to make and good for you! def give it a try ladies xoxo
when i make it with zuchini and squash… i wait till after the meet is browned to throw them in. If you put them in earlier with the rest of the veggies they tend to get to mushy! xo
WOWOW!! It looks and I'm sure it's delicious!! I'll try this sometime this weekend! Thanks for sharing! xoxo
What a great recipe! I will have to visit trader joes today 🙂
great recipe! i love pasta but i always make the fattiest dishes- nice to add a healthy one in the mix!
looks so yummy and healthy 🙂
what a great dinner! you know it's healthy when it's colorful 🙂
I really need to come over more often!! 🙂
yummmy :).. i was wondering if you could do a hair care post? Your hair always looks so shiny 🙂 🙂
hmm..yummi! im hungry now:)
@Lorin yes you need to come over for din din soon!! @the perfectionist i will def do some hair posts soon…thanks for the request! @Hilary haha i learned that on doctor OZ. the more colorful the healthier 🙂
you really do know how to cook !
am starving ,, drool over the pasta pics <3