Honeybee Health: What do those numbers on your fruit mean?!

A girlfriend of mine posted this article on Facebook and I thought it was a great one to share with you ladies! Next time you decide to purchase your fruit, consider the PLU sticker. This sticker will tell you whether the fruit was organically grown, genetically modified, or produced with chemical fertilizers, herbicides or fungicides.
PLU stickers that have 4 digits and begin with a “3″ or “4″: produce is conventionally grown. This means that this produce was sprayed with weed killers and chemical pesticides.
PLU stickers that have 5-digits and start with “8″: produce was genetically engineered (man intervened by manipulating the genes to produce a larger or brighter colored food). This produce may have been chemically treated.
PLU stickers that have 5-digits and start with “9″: produce was raised organically. You can be sure that this produce was not treated with any chemicals.
*I quick saying I use to help me remember…4 is a bore, 8 is NOT great and 9 is fine! (I know its cheesy but it helps me remember)

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  1. wow! this is pretty cool, i never even look at the stickers! i need to remember your saying next time i go to the grocery store (=

  2. Yep, I read about that in a magazine a while ago, and thought it was cool. I like your mnemonic device for remembering it, though!

  3. Ever since your post I have been very aware of the numbers I choose. Thanks for educating us that had no idea before. I feel so much better about the fruit I am choosing for my child. Thanks Andee!

  4. wow I am so glad i found this post !! 🙂
    I have recently been creeped out by certain foods, and not sure what was healthy or not. Watch the documentary Food, Inc.
    Thank you for sharing 🙂

    Alexandra Marie

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