Honeybee Health: My Weekly Food Prep

Having lots of healthy ready made options on hand is the easiest way to stay on track ladies! So needless to say Monday food prep is a MUST in our household!  Not to mention its awesome for having healthy/no brainer meals for feeding for your toddler as well! Here’s a little peek at some of my food prep…

Roasted zucchini, squash and red peppers are always a hit in our house! Toss them in a small amount of olive oil, add some sea salt and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.  Here’s a great Vegetable Roasting Cheat Sheet I pinned on my TASTE board on Pinterest. Its been super helpful for me and gives you the recommend baking time and temperature for roasting lots of different kinds of veggies!

Cooking up a package of lean ground turkey is the easiest way to get some protein in a hurry. I also make up a big batch of quinoa to have on hand as well.

You’ve seen my version of True Foods Kale Salad in a previous post. I LOVE this salad and make a big batch to have throughout the week!

I may not be making homemade baby food anymore but I am still using Ava’s Baby Cook to steam up veggies for the week! Sweet Potatoes and carrots are always in our fridge. I also grill up some chicken breast for quick healthy meal options.

Roasted asparagus is always great to have on hand. Just put the asparagus in a large ziploc with a tablespoon of olive oil and some fresh Parmesan and toss. Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes at 400 degrees.
It’s amazing how long a carton of strawberries will sit in the fridge untouched. As soon as I take them out, rinse and cut them they are gone in less than 2 days! LOL Are any of your husbands the same way?! I swear I know just how to arrange the fridge to get things moving 😉
*Note not all of this is from one week. I would say this amount was done over two weeks. The key is just having prepped veggies, complex carbs and lean proteins. 

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  1. Love these posts!! You make healthy eating so accessible and possible for me! Thank you! Please keep up the honeybee health posts! They're so great!

  2. loved this post andee! i definitely re-pinned that cheat sheet right away! do you ever run into problems with food prepping ie things going bad or not tasting "fresh"? i never know how to calculate how far into the week to prep!

  3. Great post! Such great ideas 🙂 My house is the same way with the strawberries, I swear it's all a mind trick-it's too much work for them to wash the strawberries but when it's already done for them they're gone instantly! Since it's just the hubby and I, I always run into problems with tossing leftovers.. just can't seem to figure out how to properly cook for ONLY two people!

  4. Thanks for this post! I love your health posts too and also have the same question about freshness…how long can the roasted veggies etc stay fresh? and how do you reheat what's already prepped?
    Thanks again..you're such a health inspiration!!

    1. Thank you Anna and thats a good question. Things tend to go so quickly in our household that I usually don't have to worry about them going bad lol. I would say if they are in an airtight container at least 5 days. As for reheating I normally use the microwave as I'm always in a bit of time crunch and running around.

  5. I love the idea of food prep!! How do you reheat things? Microwave? Stove? I'd also love to see a post that gives an Ava update, especially what she eats! I've been feeding my toddler those organic mini pancakes and hashbrowns from traders, as well as ground turkey, brown rice, etc., but I would love to see how another health conscious mommy does it 🙂

    1. oh good idea on the toddler food post…ill definitely do one of those soon! Also I usually heat things up in the microwave as im usually rushed!

  6. Love it! I have started doing this too 🙂 Making a big thing of homemade hummus and cut veggies in the fridge is perfect to have on hand as well as chick peas and quinoa! I also do a big batch of steel cut oats and keep them in the fridge to have for breakfast in the mornings as they take like 40 mins to cook! Thanks for the post, you are such a insirpiration to keep healthy and fit I love it! Eating clean feels SO good!!!! xoxo

    1. I crockpot my steel cut oats on Sunday night and make it with dried fruit (unsweetened). I have a small dip crockpot so I don't have to make the huge portion;)

  7. I was just telling my hubby that I am going to start doing more prep work on Sundays for the week. I think that will help so much. And that is SO funny about the strawberries… exactly the same way in our house! What kind of kale do you use? And do you have an olive oil preference? Thanks!

  8. Love this idea! How do you know how long everything will keep in the fridge? Also, do you just re-heat in the microwave?

    1. Hi love I get my quinoa from Trader Joes (organic one) and I use chicken or vegetable stock instead of water to make it. I adds a little taste to it. I also posted a Quinoa salad recipe on my Pinterest Andee's Eats board. Super easy and healthy xo

  9. These are great tips – thank you for sharing! And yes, once I rinse and cut up the strawberries in the fridge my husband eats them right up! It must be a guy thing. 🙂

  10. thank for sharing this post, Andee…i really liked it!!
    random – but what do you use to get those nice frames around your pictures?

  11. Thank you so much for the clean eating posts!! I was curious as to what your thoughts on dairy are. I was at Coffee Bean today, and I found myself wondering what you would order…nonfat or soy…coffee or tea? Hot or iced? I see sometimes healthy people opt for iced or extra foam or an extra shot of espresso to minimize calories. Do you do this? Are dairy and coffee ok on a clean diet? What are your thoughts? What do you order? Thanks in advance 🙂

  12. Prep is a must in our house too. It ends up making a world of difference in eating healthy. I recently discovered I can prep and freeze everything I need for a green smoothie so I prep for the week and each morning it's so much easier to grab a portion and blend. Keep sharing your timesavers!

    1. prepping seriously is the best! I never thought about doing that for a green smoothie! Thats a great idea because I hate waiting for food when i first wake up lol

  13. Thanks for sharing these great prep ideas!! I really need to start doing this more often. You're such an inspiration, thank you!!

  14. Omg, I absolutely love your nutrition posts and food recommendations. I look foward to reading more tips/posts!

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