Honeybee Health: Toddler Meals

Good morning ladies! You seemed to really like the last toddler meal post I did so i’ve tried to be better at taking shots of Ava’s meals to share with you before she dominates them 😉 First let me say from talking to other moms I think were pretty lucky we’ve been blessed a good eater. Lately though I feel like she is becoming a vegetarian lol but really she is not very big into meat. I’m not sure if this phase every happened with you any of your kiddos but we have to try to sneak in protein whenever possible! Here are some toddle meal shots from last week …..
Breakfast seems to be the meal Ava can be most picky at so we try to switch it up every week. These are Fig & Flax waffles are from Whole Foods and we spread  thin amont of the maple/agave blend on top. Breakfast is always some sort of whole grains, fruit and turkey sausage (yeah for protein!)
Some organic berries, half a Morning Glory Muffin from Trader Joe’s and some Honey Greek Yogurt (also from Trader Joes)

This is a new oatmeal from Trader Joe’s and Ava loves it. When purchasing instant oatmeal some can be loaded with sugar so I aim to keep each pack under 10 grams. This one has 9 grams and also has ground flax and chia seeds for a healthy does of Omegas. A also loves the dried berries in it!

I would love to make Ava’s french toast and pancakes from scratch every morning but lets face it were all busy and that just ain’t happening every day 😉 These are my go to in a hurry for her breakfast. I’ve posted on these sweet potato pancakes from Whole Foods before and they are still going strong in our household. They have a hint of sweetness so we don’t even bother putting any syrup on them. With the all natural french toast sticks I slather a thin layer on top. I tried putting her syrup on the side but I caught her picking up her plate and drinking it! I think she thought she was buddy from Elf 😉
Lunch or dinners look something like this… all natural potato crusted fish sticks, brown rice quinoa mix, sweet potato mash and broccoli.
The only chicken nuggets Ava will currently eat are the Apple Gate gluten free ones. She’s obsessed with guacamole so I give her a big scoop with some brown rice, broccoli and roasted veggies. 
Left over dinner goes into mini containers for A. We had healthy shepard’s pie, broccoli and some fruit.
Out to lunch at Le Pain Ava had a grilled cheese. Leave it to my toddler to bypass the cookie and head straight for the cucumber and dip! 

When were at home I definitely have more control over the nutrition content of her food. When were out we still try to order her healthy items but she does occasionally eat  pizza , grilled cheese and french fries too. I am not one of those moms that is never going to take my child to McDonalds or let them have a little junk now and then. I think its all okay in moderation. Lord knows I did not grow up eating half this healthy when I was a child 😉 Anyhow I hope this was helpful and as always I love hearing what your little ones are loving as well. I know we can never have to many meal ideas for the little ones!

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  1. I love the shepherd's pie idea, going to try that, thanks! My little one also doesn't eat chicken nuggets so I'm going to have to try the applegate ones you mentioned! We tried the earth's best french toast sticks but they went untouched so I gave up.
    By the way, have you seen Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook It's All Good? There is a small section in it for kids' food, and so far my little lady has gobbled up everything I've made from that book!

  2. I need to start mixing my little one's up a bit more since she is becoming pickier by the day. Silly question, but where di you get her little plates? I'm in need of new ones and cannot find cute girly ones…. Thanks!

  3. These toddler meals are inspiring for me, an adult! I thinks it's so cute and funny that Ava is leaning toward vegetarianism, because I'm not a fan of meat most days of the week. I'm just not into it! It's only when I go without meat for a week or so do I go kind of crazy and miss the steak, chicken, and pork. lol 🙂 Good job, mama!

  4. So impressed that she eats this well! We're lucky to get Ethan to eat anything, let along all the correct nutrition for the day! Sometimes we even have to go back to the purees from the packet to get something substantial in his body! I love these ideas…we should try those fish sticks soon!

  5. Oh how cute are those little plates?! I totally agree in everything in moderation. I don't have kids yet but growing up in a family of 6 I always remember my parents cooking healthy meals but letting us have treats or french fries once in a while. That way now when I am 20 years old I don't ever crave bad foods. I'm used to eating healthy and giving myself treats when I want. None of my siblings or I have ever had weight issues either which I think accounts to just being fed healthy food at a young age! Good job hun! xo

    1. thanks hun they're from Pottery Barn kids and yes so glad you are with me on the everything in moderation 😉 i think if you totally deprive them once they are out on their own they will go crazy with all this bad food they were never allowed to try.

  6. Hi Andee

    This is a random question but did you guys use the Diaper Genie? Just deciding between that and another disposal contraption wondering if you have anything to say about it! Those meals are so health you go girl! xo

  7. Thank you!! These are such great ideas! We have a 14-month old & she's always been a great eater, but lately I feel like I'm struggling to get a variety of stuff into her. Not sure if it's boredom with the same old food or what…so these ideas are great! Keep them coming!

  8. I WISH I could get my son to eat like that- always makes me feel like a bad mom that he won't eat those kind of lunches/dinners! He loves the Elmo french toast sticks though.

    1. oh my gosh don't feel bad at all! I think we just really lucked out with Ava being a good eater. I told me hubby the next go round I'm sure well get a picky one.

  9. My daughter will eat anything if it's in vanilla Greek yogurt. Pretty sure I could put cat poop in there and she would be none the wiser. She's a picky eater but she has her few healthy staples like broccoli and avocados, and bananas are always a hit. I am trying to work some fresh fruit into her diet. We started this month with mandarin oranges. I read it takes three tries for them to develops a taste for new foods. First try was a fail – oranges all over the floor. To get Macy to eat meat it's either gyros on pizza or meatballs. Meanwhile she won't eat my meatloaf. So I started buying the yummy premade Costco chicken noodle soup and blending it until it's thick enough for her to spoon feed herself. She LOVES it. My mom puts foods into the compartments of a muffin tray for her to eat from and she finds that amusing apparently. The picky eater can be a challenge but they won't go to the alter asking chicken nuggets as their special meal that night. Friends will really start to have an impact. Let's just hope it's healthy!

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