Honeybee Health: Random Shots

Morning lovelies! In trying to keep up with my weekly Honeybee Health posts here we go with this weeks random shots….
A typical breakfast of protein waffles, ground chia seed and a little agave/maple syrup blend. 90% of the time I have a carb breakfast. They fill me up and give me plenty of energy for the day.

We love cereal in our household! These are a few of my go to cereal options. All of these are higher in fiber and lower in sugar (and taste good too).

The hubby picked up Wahoo’s for lunch for us. I opted for the chicken bowl but had mine with black beans and had them double up the lettuce and tomatoes.

My Instagram grocery cart check in from last week. These are pretty much my staples at Trader Joes. I try my best to stock up on the majority of my items from Traders since its much more affordable and save Whole Foods for our meat and specialty items.

My go to healthy pasta dinner when I don’t have a ton of time. I load it up with tons of colorful veggies! 

I saute up an onion, a couple bell peppers and these all natural chicken sausages then toss in a whole bag of spinach. Boil your noodles then toss it all together with a little marinara sauce and you’re done!

A typical lunch if I did my weekly food prep. Ground turkey with onions, peppers, steamed broccoli and brown rice.

Out to breakfast at Mothers Market. I usually always go for an egg white omelet with cauliflower, broccoli, easy vegan cheese and 1/2 an avocado served with a side of brown rice.

Took the hubby to IN-N-OUT for fathers day. I had the cheeseburger protein style (wrapped with lettuce instead of a bun) and replaced the “special sauce” with just a ketchup/mustard spread. I went protein style because I knew I would be indulging in some of those fries.

I typically pack some sort of healthy snack on the go but forgot one on this morning. Picked up this little snack on the go at Nordstroms.

and of course there is ALWAYS room for sweets! I do have something sweet everyday but most of the time I try to keep those in check at around 200 calories. The above chocolate greek yogurt is one of my favorites. Its not CRAZY sweet but definitely hits the craving. Not to mention it has 0 grams of fat. If you’re like me and sometimes eat the entire pint in one sitting 😉 this one only has 400 calories in the whole thing so it’s not terribly bad if you overindulge  (vs Ben & Jerry’s frozen yogurt that has more like 650 calories and 20 grams of fat in the entire pint).

I think I’ve posted on these before but these 100 calorie packs of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from Traders are a staple in our house. They pretty much always satisfy my sweet cravings.

Hope this was helpful and happy Wednesday!!

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  1. Andee, I LOVE your health posts!! Please, keep them coming up! Maybe you could also share what you eat in a day. I found one post on your blog about your meals and snacks in a day and it was so inspiring!
    Thank you so much!!!

  2. When you do your food prepping for the week, do you usually then microwave it? Stupid question I know lol

    1. No not stupid at all. Yes I usually reheat in the microwave. I know it would be better in the oven or on the stove but the reality is its much easier in the microwave.

  3. Looks great! Though, as a Canadian, if I put anything other than pure maple syrup on my waffles, I'd probably have my citizenship revoked :p

Honeybee Health: Random Shots

Pre cut veggies are a must! I usually put these out with some sort of lower calorie dip before our dinner or lunches so we fill up on this before our main meal.

Grocery cart check in… lean proteins, lots of veggies/fruits with some sweet lower calorie treats! ONE coconut water “with a splash of mango” is pretty much the only coconut water I can drink! So if you aren’t a huge fan of coconut water I would give these a try before you give up on them all together! Note not all of my items are “organic”. I’ll share my list of what I buy organic in another post but  I just try to balance where I can. 
My current favorite dish at Zinc cafe…the stuffed bell pepper and side salad! MMMmmm
Oldie but goodie…Mashed avocado on whole grain bread with a touch of sea salt! Delish and great source of healthy fats!
Ahi salad with avocado, and edamame from True Foods Kitchen is so yummy! As always drinking “The Natural” which is soda water, fresh ginger and agave! 
And what’s Fall without some apple pie?! Im not vegan but the Vegan Apple Pie from Whole Foods is the BEST! The hubs and I will polish one off in a matter of a couple days! lol

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    1. you should def try it. My hubby would never reach for fresh cut veggies but if they are already on the table and their some sort of dip for him he ALWAYS scarfs them down 😉

  1. Love your healthy meal ideas! I couldn't help but notice the Kashi box in the above picture and wondered, since you live in California, if you've heard a lot about proposition 37 and your thoughts on the GMO labeling (it was recently discovered that Kashi had GMOs! Yikes!) just wanted to know your thoughts and spread the word; a lot is riding on California voters!

    1. Im all about them displaying the GMO label because people should know what they are eating…that being said unless your buying 100% organic they say about 70% of everything else has some sort of GMO's in it!

  2. Hey Andee,
    Love this post!! and the others of sweet little Ava.

    I have some clothes that I am interested in selling on my blog…like you do. But I don't know how to do the whole Paypal thing. Any chance you can give me a tutorial? my email is ashleyaparsons at comcast dot net

    ♥ Ashley


  3. Im 8 months pregnant this is so helpful for me.. im a clean eater and i just love your food ideas and places to go. espcially since im close to you i can try the same places 🙂 thanks again 🙂

  4. Hey Andee!
    Loving your blog! You inspire me to be a healthy, fit, fashionable mommy! Your little Bella was born before mine (7/30/12) and I have been following your journey through motherhood. Thanks for the great tips and I will continue to keep reading daily. Lots of love!


  5. love these posts, Andee! I am also not a fan of coconut water but… today i discovered so called Coco Cafe which is coconut water + espresso shot & a splash of reduced fat milk. I find it superdelicious and it's so much less cal than in latte!x

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