Honeybee Health: Random Shots

The one most important tip I can give you about staying in shape would be CONSISTENCY!! Even in the midst of packing and moving I try hard to keep my eating on track. I prefer to eat really well 80% off the time and then DOMINATE 😉 that 20% when I decide to splurge. Here are some random shots from this past week during our move…….

My favorite burger from Zinc Cafe (in corona del mar CA) its made with veggies, brown rice, barley etc. and topped with avocado. Its super filling so I skip the bun and also have the herbed cottage cheese salad….so good!

I rarely eat pizza (i’ve mentioned before that I tend to save my calories for wine and sweets) but when I do I really love Kashi’s Mediterranean pizza. Its packed with protein and fiber. So to me its a better option and it tastes great!!

I could easily eat the whole pizza, so when I do indulge I always make a big salad with whatever veggies I have in the fridge. It helps fill you up before you inhale the whole pizza. (I’m obsessed with ginger dressing lately and that’s what is on the salad)

FAVORITE thing on the Starbucks menu…the Egg white spinach wrap! I could eat this everyday of the week! Its actually the lowest calorie breakfast sandwich they have on the menu and under 300 calories! You should really look up the nutrition facts to see how many calories some of your favorite Starbucks goodies are packing! Some of there muffins have just as many grams of sugar as a cupcake!

My comfort food! Something about Peanut butter, banana and milk combo that always makes me feel good 😉 I used an Ezekiel English muffin, PB2 peanut butter, sliced bananas and a touch of agave nectar = HEAVEN

We Stopped into Whole Foods for lunch here in Miami while out furniture shopping and this is what I had. Mixed greens and veggies, Two hard boiled eggs (only ate one yolk) Grilled chicken and small side of hummus. I also got a broth based soup but was to full to it eat to saved it for later.

Eating healthy can definitely be a bit of work but if you take the time and read nutrition labels it will get easier! There are so many little changes you can make daily that will improve your health, you just have to make a little bit of effort! xo

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  1. I've heard that Kashi has some delish stuff, I'll have to check it out and that english muffin looks SO GOOD! definitely some good comfort food <3


  2. That burger looks very delish. As well as the salads. I have a salad just about everyday. I remember one time I was craving a salad (instead of sweets. Crazy!!). I love to top mine with veggies as I'm not a huge dressing fan. Or I will grill a piece of salmon, squeeze a lemon on it and use the salmon to flavor my salad.

  3. I'm on a health kick at the moment and if all my food looked like this it would make it all so much easier LOL!!

    You're such an inspiration to eat well and your posts are definitely keeping me going!

  4. Wow it all looks so good and fresh, its common sense colorful foods are good for you but sometimes I know I slack and get lazy. I will try that Ezekiel eng muffin w agave nectar i have some but never tried together though.

  5. Same here. We´re leaving for France today (this time it´s Biarritz) and we´re going by car and I´m putting healthy menues together we can have on the road, even for my kids.
    I love the peanut butter/ Banana combo too! That´s so funny, first we stayed at the same hotel in NY, then we both went to Cannes and now the food 😉
    Happy Friday! xoxo Doro

  6. What a yummy and good food. You don't want to know how bad I am with the food I eat everyday :S I know it would be better for my body if I eat healthy food but…
    Maybe you can share some easy recipes using worldwide products with us LOL
    Kisses honey!

  7. i've just recently started having problems eating peanuts (maybe an allergy?) and pb & banana was my go-to breakfast. my sister made me some homemade almond butter but it's just not the same…oh well. you are a great inspiration to keep on track b/c you always look so fantastic! hope miami is treating you & your hubby well so far 🙂

  8. love your health posts and all the pictures! it's an inspiration to keep being healthy and eating well! keep them coming girl 🙂

    hope y'all are settling in in your new city!

  9. The Starbucks wrap is amazing! I think it even tastes a bit like pizza. And english muffins with PB actually cure my sweet tooth!

    Your food posts are my favorites!

  10. @veggiegirl ive tried amy's soups and other products and LOVE them! Ill def have to give the pizza a go next time! They are smaller portions too right?!
    @rachal thank you! hearing that makes doing the post fun for me!
    @Anonymous TOTALLY agree! Ive always thought they tasted like pizza too! haha
    @Jessica & @Lacy Bunny the ginger dress is by the brand "naturally fresh" Its all natural and I actually have only seen it here in miami. Dont recall ever seeing it in CA. But it is orange and is the dressing they serve on house salads at most Japanese restaurants. Love this stuff and its lower in fat and calories than other dressing. It is a distinct flavor so im sure some people love it and others may not. xo

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