Honeybee Health // Kids Edition

Hellllo ladies! We are currently  out of the country at the moment (follow along on Snap if you’d like! AndeeLayne) but as promised here is this weeks Honeybee Health post the kids edition. I’m sure you moms know how picky our little ones can be with their food but today I’m sharing all the goodies that are always a hit in our household! 
As mentioned we took a long flight yesterday and this was the stash I had in my diaper bag. I love having wholesome bars, pouches and treats in my bag and also in our suitcase for when we arrive. I don’t know about you but I feel like my little ones snack ALL day when we travel so having healthy options on hand always makes me happy. Luca has been teething a lot lately and on the really bad days sometimes he doesn’t want to eat much at all. These pouches and those melt away yogurt snacks are always a winner with him, even on those days. On another note those freeze dried pears were so good I stole some too! 
Grocery Cart Check In
My babes love all kind of fruit so I always stock up on those. They also love raw vegetables (Ava more than Luca) so carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers and avocados are always in our cart. These little probiotic yogurt drinks are a staple in our house as well because they have a ton of good bacteria in them thats great for their little digestive systems.
We do a lot of greek yogurt in our house because it’s a great source of protein and my kids always like it. My Target just started carrying these greek yogurt pouches (in the baby food aisle in a small refrigerator) and they love these! They perfect for on the go and I find them to be a little more filling than the standard pouches. 

The Bell  & Evans nuggets from Whole Foods are their favorite. I also tried these Veggie Medley Nuggets (wishful thinking I know 😉 and they were a hit with Luca but not Ava. Lastly those Amy’s Cheese Pizza Pockets are Lucas favorite! Warning they’re realllly good so I have to stop myself from “sampling”.

Breakfasts are quick and easy in our house. I LOVE these because their wholesome, taste great and I don’t have to wash any pots or pans…holla! 
Some sweet treats!

These GoodPop popsicles are the BEST! They’re only 40 calories and taste great too! I purchase them from Whole Foods. Lastly I want to add that not everything in my house is organic. I totally take my kids through Mc Donald’s drive thru too. I do try my best to buy non- processed food where I can but  truly believe it’s just all about a balance. I try to get them to eat as healthy as possible when were at home but when we’re out i’m just a little more relaxed about it.

I have so many more favorites to share with you girls but these were just the ones I currently had on my camera roll. As always I hope this helped and LOVE to hear what you mamas are loving too! 

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  1. Hi Andee,

    I just have to say that I loveeee your health posts! I don't have any kids, but these posts always inspire me to keep a balanced clean diet.


  2. Loved this post! I'll def be picking up a few items to try. Have you tried That's It nutrition bars? My 17 month old has been loving them.

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