Honeybee Health: Healthy Fried Chicken

Last night I made my hubby’s favorite healthy fried chicken. Its super easy to make and all you need are a few ingredients…

I use free range chicken, bread crumbs (even better if you can find organic whole wheat bread crumbs), egg whites, olive oil and two sprigs of rosemary (ALL ORGANIC). First butterfly your chicken breast so it cooks much faster. Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet. Dip the chicken breast in the egg whites, remove and then dredge the chicken in a plate of bread crumbs(front and back). Saute the chicken breast in your skillet (till lightly brown) topping with rosemary and adding salt and pepper to taste.

I threw together a mixed green salad with beets, easy goat cheese and a handful of walnuts.

It literally cooks in 15 minutes and if i’m in a rush (like last night) Ill heat up a bag of mushroom risotto from Traders freezer section. Im obsessed with this stuff! Its so good!!!

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  1. We must've had the same cravings as I made "healthy" fried chicken for the hubby last night too and it was delicious!! Although I added an "unhealthy" step and used flour along with the eggs and breadcrumbs and fried it in butter 😛 And I too am so obsessed with TJ's Risotto, so good!! The asparagus one is good too 🙂

  2. Yummm! This is exactly how I make fried chicken (which is also my hubby's fave!) minus the rosemary – next time I'll try it with. I also make my own bread crumbs as finding whole wheat bread crumbs isn't always easy 😉

    1. yes I def use dressing not a ton though as I find a little goes a long way. Im currently using one from Traders that is pretty low in fat and calories but super tasty! Ill double check the name and get back to you!

    2. Just tried this recipe tonight! Big hit with my boyfriend! Thank you for sharing! Where do you get your beets from? Do you prepare them yourself or are they canned? Also, please share the dressing you use! Thanks!

  3. Love all your recipes and tips! I too love nutrition and having had 4 kids have worked hard to stay in the best shape. Thanks for commenting on my blog:) I've been a follower of yours and appreciate all comments. Congrats and good luck with your soon to be addition!


  4. I am new to your blog! Love it 🙂 I figured you´re a dietician? Would you tell me what kind of education you had – I am thinking about doing this as well!
    Would be great, thanks! Martie*

    P.S. you look gorgeous. I hope I will look like this when I am expecting!!

  5. Hey! I am new to your blog. Love it 😉
    I figured you´re a dietician. Would you tell me what kind of education you have as I am thinking about doing the same! Would be great thanks 😉

  6. There is an AMAZING Chevre with honey from Trader Joe's that I bet would just make that yummy salad desert like!!

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