Honeybee Health: Easy Stuffed Peppers

Is it really Friday already?! Yeah!!! Here are some easy and healthy stuffed peppers I made for dinner last night. The beauty of stuffed peppers is you can put just about anything you want in them! You can add corn or cilantro, substitute the brown rice for quinoa, replace the black beans with white beans…what ever you want! So healthy and easy to make!
*My girlfriend didn’t want cheese on hers so that’s why one is naked 😉
Here’s What I Used:
Ground chicken (or lean ground turkey)
4 Bell Peppers (I only used four and had left over mix and could have easily made 6)
1 can Black Beans (drained)
2 cups cooked Brown Rice
1 tsp Cumin
1 Garlic Clove (I love garlic so used two)
2 medium Tomatoes (or a can of diced tomatoes)
1 Onion
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
about 4 Tbsp of Ground Flaxseed 
Small bunch of Green Onion
1/4 cup of Low Fat Shredded Cheese (I used a mexican blend)
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat Oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil the bottom of your baking dish. Cut the tops off of your bell peppers and remove the seeds and stems. Heat two Tbsps of olive in a pan and cook your ground chicken with the tsp of cumin and salt and pepper to taste. Once your meat is brown add in your chopped onion and garlic clove and sautee until they’re soft. Once those are cooked set aside. In a small bowl mix your ground flax seed with a couple tbsp of water and stir until it becomes like the consistency of oatmeal (*sorry I don’t measure this out exactly I just do it by eyeing it..You can omit the flax if you want but its pretty easy and adds omegas)
In a large bowl combine your brown rice, can of black beans and diced tomatoes. Next add in your meat and flaxseed mixture. Combine well and scoop into your bell peppers. Cook for about 30 minutes until the tops start to brown and the peppers become soft. Top with desired amount of cheese and chopped green onion and enjoy! Soooo delish! 

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  1. grt! i make d same at home, since we are all vegetarians, i use gram roasted gram flour paste with spices and veggies and stuff inside it. chk my blog for an easy protein filled salad.

  2. Hi Andee,

    I was wondering if you could give some style tips for my daughther's 3 month pictures that are coming up.
    I love your style, you alway
    smake everything look so effortlessly(sp?). I don't know how you do it, I'm a first time mom as well and somedays I can barely throw in a shower.
    Anyway, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. They are of me and my daughter, and we are going to be taking them at a park. I live in Colorado, so we also have to keep in mind that it's a little chilly here now. I just dont want to throw on a sweater and jeans, I want to look like i actually put in some effort.

  4. Hello. What is the amount of turkey used in this recipe. The average package from Jennie-O is about 1.25lbs. Will that make 6?

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