Honeybee Health: Chocolate Greek Frozen Yogurt

While cruising the freezer aisle at Whole Foods last week I stumbled upon Stonyfields Organic Chocolate Nonfat Greek Frozen Yogurt! With only 200 calories in the entire pint plus 12 grams of protein and probiotics, this healthy sweet alternative is a must! Its no Ben n Jerrys but its pretty darn tasty and I highly recommend trying it!

*PS Are you ladies on Instagram?!!! I just started last month and LOVE all the fun filters they have to change your photos! If your on there find me under Andee Layne!

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  1. Love your blog! I don't remember how I came across it but I'm happy I did because it is so versatile which is the direction I am taking my blog. Being the foodie I am I love your food posts the best! Congrats on the baby you look beautiful =)

  2. oh yuuummmmm!!! and your nails match too!!!

    regarding highlighter, I use a few and my favorites come in different forms. From liquid ones, I looove Benefit High Beam & Moon Beam, and from powder ones, I'm totally obsessed w Nars Albatross and any MAC mineralize blushes. I'm a total and complete junkie, i know… lol

    hope you're well love :)))

  3. @Maryam thanks love! Your makeup always looks flawless! I actually have most the ones you mentioned so yeah!!! except the moon beam so ill have to check that one out (love high beam)
    thank you!! xo

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