Honeybee Health: Benefits of Bee Pollen

  Hi ladies! First off thank you for your patience with new blog layout! I’m so glad to finally have my navigation bar back up and running! If you’re looking for a new blog designer I highly recommend  Fabulous K . She was great to work with and really came through for me when my blog header went haywire last month.
 Okay now on to todays post,  the health benefits of bee pollen. Bee Pollen has been on my list to try for FOREVER and I finally started using it last week. Bee Pollen helps with  boosting your immune system, enhancing energy levels, reducing seasonal allergies, anti aging, asthma and lowering blood pressure to name a few!  I will say it does have a bit of a distinct taste to it and wouldn’t recommend eating it by itself. I use mine on top of my acai bowls and in my smoothies and can’t taste it at all! You can also you use it on top of your yogurt, sprinkled on top of a salad and in homemade granola (if you’re crafty like that 😉

I purchased mine from Whole Foods and it was around $12. 

A shot of my go to Acai bowl recipe with a little bee pollen added….

My Acai Bowl Recipe:
1 packet frozen Acai
1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries
1/2 cup frozen organic strawberries
1/2 cup organic apple juice (or whatever juice you have on hand)
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
topped with 1/4 cup granola 
and a spoonful of bee pollen
Hope you ladies enjoy this one too!

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  1. The new layout is so chic! Love! Also just wondering if you could do a post on what you and Ava eat in a day?! xo

  2. Your new site looks great! It's hard to tell in the photo but how much bee pollen comes in a jar? It looks rather large, wish I could try a sample! Any idea on how long you have to take to start feeling a difference? Cheers 😉

  3. Love the new layout!! I have been reading your blog since 2010 and it keeps getting better and better. It's so nice to read a blog that truly has a little bit of everything. I have been wanting to try bee pollen for my asthma but I am weary because I hear negative things of using it if one has seasonal allergies. I was wondering if u could share what lipstick you are wearing in your pic with the black fedora above the sponsor tab? I am looking for something natural like that. Thank you

  4. The benefits of bee pollen are amazing! Although you must be careful if you have allergies. Does anyone know if bee pollen is safe when pregnant or breastfeeding?

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