Honeybee Beauty: Orange Lips

Orange Lips are the must have Spring/Summer lip trend. As you know I have been trying to use the drawer full of lipsticks I already own, but I gave in and purchased a new one because I have no color like it! Check out the ladies rocking the color on the Runway.

I wore Revlon lipstick in Orange. I wouldn’t say I love it more than a classic red lip but its a fun new way to brighten up for Summer!

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  1. I've been meaning to do a post on Orange lips as well. I really love this for spring/summer. Sephora also had a gorgeous picture on their website. It looks great on you… makes your eyes pop!

  2. Wow! You look so beautiful Andee! Any color would look incredible on your lips. I will have to try this!
    PS – my lipstick drawer is spilling over as well =) But I can't stop buying!

  3. Orange looks AMAZING on you! I just tried orange for the first time and I'm going to be wearing it a lot this spring/summer…love how it looks with dark hair

  4. Haha! Andee, you could wear the latest trend lipcolor in mud and it would look fantastic on you! Looks gorgeous on you, of course!

  5. thanks ladies! I would have never picked this for myself but glad i did! Fun why to glam it up for Summer! Its actually called ORANGE FLIP….think i said the color was ORANGE in the post.

  6. I wish I could pull off orange like you. Its such a great trend that fits with Summer perfectly. Thanks for the B-day wishes. 😉

  7. Hi! New here but I couldn't help but comment that I've been seeing a lot of orange lipstick but mostly on blondes. Your features, skin tone and dark mane go so well with it that it's got me re-thinking the trend. I do think it's because you're naturally pretty, and it enhances your look without overpowering it.

    Great choice!

    Oh, have a wonderful weekend 🙂

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