Holiday Style with Anthropologie

Happppy Friday loves! I can’t believe Christmas is only one week away!!! Lets just say I still have SO many festive things I want to squeeze in before then!;) Something we always do every year is a big family dinner on Christmas eve and I’m so looking forward to that! In today’s post I am teaming up with Anthropologie and sharing a classic holiday look i’ll be wearing to that dinner.

I am SO in love with this LBD! Its classy, flattering and has the most amazing detail! 

You really could wear this dress to a million different occasions and it also comes in white!
and here a few more of my holiday/Winter favorites at Anthropologie right now….

and a few fun last minute gift ideas for HER…

I mean how amazing is this lipstick holder and mini jewelry display?! I kind of want them for myself 😉 I also love the bracelet with the personalized coordinates! and lastly you can’t go wrong with these cute initial coffee mugs, yummy candles or planner/calendar for 2016! Happy Friday ladies! Hope you all have a great weekend!

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  1. Hi Andee! Do you mind sharing which website or simply how you get images in your blog post that are clickable to the website which they are from? For example, the "gift ideas for her" how did you get them in to be clickable and direct you to the website?

  2. Hi Andee, could you please let us know what size you are wearing for this Byron Lars dress? I have been debating purchasing this in size 0P petite and I usually wear size 25 for most denim brands. Thanks so much 🙂

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