Here We Goooo! (Expecting #2!)

Hi Honeys!! If you follow along on instagram you probably saw yesterdays post that we’re expecting baby #2 in February!! AHHHH! I think a few of you may have had some suspicions with the lack of crop tops and cocktails 😉 but we finally announced it yesterday. I’m 14 weeks now and feeling pretty good. The first trimester I was really nauseous and tired (to be expected but even more so this time around with a toddler) but thankfully i’m feeling much better now! 
I’ll be honest the hubby has been ready for #2 for quite sometime but I was kind of pumping the breaks on the idea. I knew I wanted to have another baby somewhat close in age to Ava but I just didn’t feel like I was at a place last year where I could even entertain that idea. The first year and half are A LOT with little ones. I just felt so busy and tired with just Ava that I got anxious thinking about a second. It wasn’t until after her second birthday when I finally thought okay things are easing up a bit, I think I could do another one. Don’t get me wrong I definitely think “shits about the real” lol but we’re SO excited and ready for this next chapter…challenges and all! I do plan on doing bump update posts like I did with Ava and hope to have my first one for ya next week! Here are a few pics  photo overload from our quick announcement shoot last week…..

Now this about the only time in pregnancy you can “safely”get away with wearing something white and tight 😉 I adore this For Love and Lemons dress and cant wait to rock it again after the bump!

oh this little sassy one 😉 She is such a ham! 
bumpin’ along 
Photos by SteadyJenny
For Love and Lemons Dress (I’m wearing a Small // use code word TULIP for 10% off)

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  1. Yayyyyyy!!! Congrats to you and your family Andee! I've been following your blog since just before you had Ava and your preggy fashion/nutrition and post baby fitness posts really helped as I've just had a little girl of my own! Can't wait to see what's in store for round 2!

    Cheers from NorCal!


  2. Oh I'm so excited to read this!! Congrats!! I hear you about shit is about to get real. Our second gets here the beginning of November and I am getting so nervous! Scarlett gives me a run for my money!

  3. Love it Andee! Congrats again. I would love to hear about how you're easing Ava into getting her ready for a sis/bro 🙂 I know she'll love having a sibling. God willing, we are hoping to start trying soon and want to "prepare" Marli for another bebe.

  4. ahhhhhh i knew it!!! We just started trying for baby number two this month (my little guy just turned 1 in july) and i had a mama feeling you were already pregnant! So funny how us moms just get that sense. Im so excited for you! Congratulations to your sweet family, may God bless you with another perfectly healthy baby & safe delivery! much love, Tes

  5. Congrats you look beautiful! I am 19weeks 🙂 Where did you get your beautiful dress, if you dont mind sharing? 🙂

  6. Congratulations!!! That's so exciting! I totally understand the shit is about to get real thing, I'm 38 weeks and can't believe baby will be here so soon! Wishing you all the best on your pregnancy!

  7. Yea!! Congratulations, what a blessing!! 🙂 These pictures are precious and perfect (love that dress)!! Hope you are feeling well. Looking forward to following along (as we are also expecting baby #2)!!

  8. So so so happy for you!!! You are in for the ride of your life! 😉 In a good way of course. You look gorgeous as always & Ava's hair just slays me!! XO

  9. CONGRATULATIONS ANDEE!! So happy and excited for you! And, you look amazing and beautiful, of course, like always!

    I noticed the fewer cocktails but didn't even think of the crop tops (mainly bc I can't rock them so was just happy to see you wearing things that I would more likely wear 😛 ).

    Can't wait for bump updates and to continue following along on this journey, you're such a stunner when pregnant! xo Congrats again 🙂

  10. Congrats love! You are glowing! Can't wait for the bump updates! Would you consider doing a post of your favorite baby names? Thanks and congrats again mama! 🙂

  11. Congratulations! Love your posts. I especially love your casual-but-cool stuff that involves sneaks, because honestly, with two kids under 3.5, sneaks are where it's at! lol. So I don't know if anyone's told you this, but it's easier the second time around. That's the best-kept mom secret around! You're a bit more harried, running after two and such, but the first-baby jitters aren't there and that's really something. – Victoria

  12. Congratulations! A 2.5 to 3 year gap between the two is almost perfect – tried it, and loved it! Ava will be independent enough to be helpful, but still "baby" enough for you to enjoy!

  13. Just catching up! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had #3 {and last} in May…you look amazing and I remember your maternity fashion posts, I expect they will be just as good with #2. I think you and Cupcakes & Cashmere must be due like the same day, lol!

  14. Congrats Andee!! You look beautiful!! I recently started following your blog and love your style. You truly inspire me to take better care of myself.

    I have to ask – there is a Janessa Leone fedora you have on in your Denim on Denim post. What style was that by Janessa Leone? I've seen others online but honestly I think the one you have is the best one out of them. Please share!

  15. I am expecting #2 and my oldest is two also! I am so stoked for your maternity fashion posts. Last time around I felt so frumpy.. Short + Prego is just a bad combination for me. You rock it though! Excited for you!

  16. Absolutely gorgeous, congratulations! My 1st is only 5mo and already "baby #2" is beginning to be brought up!! I think you have the right idea waiting until Ava was a little bit older…then again, if I ever get my sleep back I might never have #2! 🙂

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