Healthy Breakfast Bowl

Good morning ladies! Just wanted to share my healthy breakfast bowl I made. Its inspired by one I get from Mothers Market. Its packed with fiber, protein and healthy fats! Not to mention it tastes pretty darn good and it super easy to make!
I use 1/2 cup brown rice, a couple spoonfuls of black beans, dairy free cheese (more on this below), egg whites, half an avocado and topped off with fresh cilantro. My hubby likes his with a little hot sauce to give it a kick! So yummy and easy to throw together!
I eat regular cheese all the time but this stuff is SO good! I only tried it because its the cheese they use at Mothers Market on most dishes. Ive been eating it for years and am buying it for home now. I think its the best when used on a hot dish and melted. If your interested in it I know they sell it at Mothers in the to go/pre made food section. They may also sell it at Whole Foods but I haven’t check for it there yet.

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  1. That looks so delicious! I will have to check this cheese out, never noticed/seen this before. I try to limit my dairy intake but sometimes you need the real stuff! I've just tried Almond Cheese (whole foods) and it's pretty good too, it's got a good amount of protein in it too.

  2. That bowl looks good. Mother's has a teriyaki bowl that is really good too. That cheese is great. My husband is vegan and we use this cheese all the time. The pepper jack shreds are awesome. Alot of supermarkets are starting to carry this cheese, I have seen at my local Vons and Fresh and Easy. Also, there is this cheese called Teese that is really good. We tried it at MASA echo park when we went to eat chicago pizza and I swear you could not tell it was non dairy. I have seen this cheese at Whole Foods. Love your food posts!

  3. I notice that you eat a lot of Avocado? Just curious if you know how much you should eat in a day? Since it's good fat… I love it too and would eat in on everything. Also, what are some other 'good fat' foods that you eat on the regular?

    1. I love avocado but i only eat 1/2 of one at a time to keep the fat and calories in check. I cook with olive oil daily, eat Salmon a couple times a week and have handful of walnuts and almonds as a snack. Hope this helps

  4. Looks so good! You talk about clean eating a lot. Do you have any guidelines that you can share for what that entails? You really inspire me to be healthier! I just need a bit of advice to help me make clean eating decisions daily 🙂 for example, do you say no to bread? Try to get a certain number of fruits/veggies in daily?

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