Happy Easter!

Hope you ladies have a beautiful Easter weekend! I can’t wait for Ava to be old enough to do egg hunts and easter baskets! In the meantime Louie gets to have all the fun…..

Poor thing probably can’t wait to pass the torch to Ava for the holiday outfits 😉

Some pretty Spring flowers from Trader Joes

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  1. Happy Easter, Andee! Hope baby Ava is well 🙂 My daughter's name is Ava as well, I don't hear it too often so it's weird when I read or hear the name 😉

  2. Hey hun, I have awarded you the 'I love music and I love your blog' award.
    You can check it out on my blog… don't feel pressured to do it if you don't want to xx

  3. This is so cute! I love the way your dog is slumped on the floor in the last pic, it's like "ok, I give up. I'm wearing the ears."

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