Halloween Happenings / Life Lately

Happy Halloween!! I hope you all are having a great weekend! Just a few random shots this morning  via the camera roll! 
Breaking out all the spooky Halloween decor again!  A lot of you were asking about the Trick or Treat banner and I purchased it from Target a couple years ago.
all the coffee table decor pushed to the center of the table again… but somehow these little pumpkins still end up all over the house 😉
Spooky Scenes from the bathroom 
Last year we did little bats at Ava’s table and this year I got these cute little spiders from Target. She LOVES getting to decorate her little space for each holiday.
andddd trying to work with the construction plastic coverings all over the house I decided to throw on some CAUTION tape and make it more look like a crime scene. 🙂
Last weekend we headed out to the desert for a quick day trip and made a little detour on the way back at Oak Glenn. I used to go there as kid and loved being able to take my little babes there! 
The air was crisp and the leaves were beautiful! It was so nice to get out of OC for the day and actually felt like Fall! 
Honey Sticks for the road! 
This little place was SO charming! 
and a little matching PJ party last night for these two! Needless to say they  Ava is super excited for Halloween tonight! 
Happy Halloween loves! Hope you all have a safe and great one! 

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