Hallmark Signature Inspired Style

“Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Hallmark through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about Hallmark Signature, all opinions are my own.”

Morning Loves! Today i’m sharing a look I wore a few weeks ago to my best friends baby shower and was inspired by one of Hallmark Signature  cards! She loves all this pretty and feminie so this card and outfit seems liked the perfect fit for the occasion! 
This “and so love grows” Hallmark Signature card and was just SO pretty! Inspired by the delicate white florals on this card I wore my white lace floral crop top with a high waist flowy blush maxi skirt. It’s effortless and feminine and loved the “growing theme” of the card for her beautiful growing baby bump! 

SteadyJenny Photography

Top (similar HERE and HERE)// Maxi Skirt// Ankle Strap Sandals (look for less HERE)
It was such a beautiful shower and her card and gift were a hit! You can check out more of Hallmarks Signature cards HERE and follow along on their instagram (@Hallmarksignature). They are seriously some of the prettiest cards i’ve seen! 


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