Hair Inspiration

Its been over a year since I have colored my hair and I can finally see my natural color again! My hair has practically been black for about 10+ years. It turns out my hair is a softer brown and my hubby really likes it. Unfortunately I have a reverse ombre going on right now where the bottom half of my hair is still black. Im going to get my hair done next week and hope they can fix it. You can see my natural hair color in this pic.
 I’m bringing these pictures as inspiration. I think these might be a little lighter than what I am going for but we see where we go with it….

I love all these warm carmel/browns!

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  1. I have the middle picture on my phone and I just took it to the salon with me on Saturday! Got it from pinterest. 🙂 I'm loving the golden highlights right now. Next visit I may go lighter. Good luck!

  2. Love the last one! I was going to ask you if you had any suggested salons/stylists in OC – as I have been getting my hair done on visits home, but am in desperate need to find someone out here! I get too scared to blindly pick someone, so thought I'd ask!

    1. I have a girl i love for cut and blow outs (Samantha at Studio 4 salon by fashion island) as for color i used to go to a girl at the same salon but wasn't crazy about her so trying out another girl and ill let you know how that goes after I see her!

  3. Your hair always looks healthy, shiny, and beautiful! I've always admired it. My hair is also a lighter/medium brown but I've been dying it a rich chocolate for years. I have thought about going lighter, but I think I would have a hard time keeping it looking good! I'm in the process of growing mine out so that it's your length 🙂

  4. Both colors would look good on you but the black really brings out the color of your eyes. Where are you going to get it colored? I live in Newport Beach & I am always on the lookout for good local hair colorists.

    1. thank you..i think thats why i stayed dark for so long but def ready for a change! Im going to see a new girl for color so ill let you know how it goes!

  5. Love the subtle highlights! Your hair already looks like it has subtle highlights, but I think you will look totally fab with brighter highlights as well. I always feel amazing when I've had some sort of change done to my hair. Your hair must be in great condition from not chemically processing it! I'd love to be free of the hair coloring (bondage!) for a change but have a few premature grays and I'm soooooooo self conscious of it because my hair is really dark. Not a fan of the ombre hair, love the first two pictures. Look forward to seeing your new do!

  6. The middle photo looks amazing! Can't wait to see what you choose to do.
    Bonus that your hubby is liking the new(original) colour too 🙂
    Hope to see you round my blog some time soon. Would be great to have you follow me back. Maria x

  7. You have such beautiful hair!! Can I ask what products you use? And do you have curly hair that you straighten or is it just naturally styled the way you show in pics!?

  8. I brought the last picture you posted with me when I went to get my hair done and it turned out so nice. It did make my hair feel pretty dry though so make sure you stock up on hair masks and treatments! Good luck, can't wait to see it! -xoxo-

  9. I'm not sure if my comment went through so if it's double sorry lol! Love the color of your hair, but i also like the dark color. I want to color my hair to like a dark chocolate i had a couple of years back, but scared it will damage my hair. My hair is naturally black so i know it will take a couple of times to go lighter so idk. Can't wait to see how the color turns out & also if you know of a good colorist let me know :0) xo

  10. I am dark too and have had that Lilly Aldridge picture saved for months, just need to build up courage to go for it. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of your hair, your so beautiful anyway that it can only look fab!

  11. AHHHH I LOVEEEEEE THEM! So funny because I am going light too!! I have my appointment in two weeks and seriously cannot wait! 🙂 We are on the same page all too often! XOXO PS. Harper says hi to Ava!!

  12. your natural hair colour is very pretty! i also have had almost black hair for 10+ years and then i coloured it blonde…however i have been thinking about the change for ages now and i was going to go for the look nr 3 – i have the same pic saved so I can take it to the hairdressers 😉 i'm just not too sure how it would look on me! maybe i should still keep blonde for the summer?… 🙂
    looking forward to see you with the new hair colour – I'm sure you will look fab x

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