Gap picks and 30% OFF!!!

I ADORE Gap kids clothes but have a hard time spending $30 on one top when this lady grows out of them so quickly! I always wait for them to send me a promo code and then I splurge. Gap is offering 30% off this weekend so I stocked up on some super cute pieces. Here are some of my favorites…

*Click on the set for details

*Click on the set for details

*Click on the set for details

Just enter Promo Code : GAPDEAL  at checkout for 30% off! Offer ends 1/21

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  1. Adorable picks Andee! I know what you mean they grow up so fast! I was at the Gap yesterday actually and bought some stuff for Sofia. Just like your Ava, she's a chunky monkey 😀 She's 18lbs now at 4 months and no sign of stopping

  2. I totally agree – I love Baby Gap, but I just can't justify it most of the time. I mean, $60 for a dress she will probably wear once seems a bit excessive ;). The things I do get are always on sale – especially since Gap is always having sales, there's a slim chance I would pay full price for something. Sophia has those moccasin booties in pink, and I'm loving that tribal dress – so cute!


  3. Hi Andee – I'm a new reader. L-O-V-E your blog. I agree with you about not splurging on baby. They grow so quickly. I still have clothing from when my baby was a newborn (now 4 y/o) that still has tags on it b/c she grew so fast. I'm sure there is a Target located in CA. They have really good affordable clothes for baby too at the same prices if not a little cheaper than Carter's and Osh Gosh


  4. HI Andee, I love how you make these photo collages with links all on one things. Would you mind sharing a how to or where you go to do this?
    Love your blog!

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