Gap Friends and Family!

Happy Friday laddddies! I can’t believe it’s already August (which means we’re getting closer to Fall YEAH)! Even though it doesn’t even start to cool down in SoCal till October’ish ;( I still get so excited when I see the Fall pieces popping up online and in stores! I received an email from Gap this morning about their Friends & Family SALE 40% OFF so I headed over and scooped up a few pieces! I know I have a lot of mama frollowers ( that’s Friends+Followers 😉 so I thought I would share some of my favorites and the code for 40% off with you!

For the girls

 I ordered the metallic ballet flats, marled sweatshirts, utility parka, printed puffer vest, leopard print sweats and those skinnies for miss Ava. I seriously can’t believe our favorite gap legging jeans are on SALE! I find these pants to fit the best on A and with the discount they came out to like $5!! How is that possible?! I stocked up! 😉

For the Boys

and I had way too much fun picking out boy clothes! How cute are these pieces for a little man?! An oversized beanie, Ray Ban look alike sunnies and that denim shirt would all be on my list if I had a little boy. I’m just dying over that mini pea coat!

I’ll admit I haven’t purchased anything for myself from Gap in a long time but figured it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek since it was 40% off! I forgot just how great their basics are! I’m loving all these styles and the trench, olive parka, wide brim fedora and chambray top are all great transition pieces for Fall!

Use Code Word: RMNFRIENDS for 40% OFF! 
Offer Valid for 2 days ONLY! Aug.8- Aug 11

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  1. Yes! I got the email also. I hope you found some great pieces because I did at their most recent sale for an extra 40% off all of their sale/clearance items. They were mostly denim pieces and gapfit…but I need to shop for little Miss Marli 🙂 Hope you're having a great weekend. Just wanted to say that you are so awesome in every way. I've been following you for a few years now and I love how down to earth you are, stylish you can be, but most importantly, how you adore and love your fam bam so much. It's awesome! (sorry for the long post…) xoxo

    1. thanks hun! I usually start posting just girls stuff and realize other mamas probably have boys. I LOVE picking out stuff for the boys so its kind of fix for me too;)

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