Friday Find

Happy Friday ladies! Its supposed to be beautiful here in SoCal this weekend so I’m hoping for a little beach action! On another note I came across this great F21 find today that would have been perfect in my Boho Chic post a couple days ago. You know how quickly the good items go on F21 and this top was just to cute not to share with you gals. It looks like it could be a Joie or Parker top! I just ordered mine and can’t wait to get it!

Forever 21


*Click on the set for details

Hope you ladies have a fab weekend!

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  1. Have to say I love F21, but most of their tops are so long and I am 5'6", yet most of the tops from F21 are so long that they cover the pockets on my pants. Some people like you can pull it off, and it does look good with shorts, but still something so long mostly makes me feel grandma – ish. I always prefer something shorter, 23" or 24" for a top is perfect length…

  2. Thanks for posting- What a great deal for a beautiful top! What size do you wear in F21 tops? Haven't shopped there in a long time. THANKS!

  3. That is a great find!! Thanks for sharing, and you should definitely do an outfit post once you get it! Have a great weekend!

  4. Great find! I am deciding between X-Small and Small (read on the description it runs a half size large). Do you mind if I ask what size you ordered? Thanks!

  5. I Love this!!! I'm waiting until the Canadian Site gets it then I'm ordering right away! They also have super cute maxis in right now 🙂 Thanks Andee! PS- You should get Keek! Its an iPhone app and its so fun, I'm obsessed and I think you'd like it too its kind of like instagram but you can do short video clips of anything 🙂 I would love to follow you on there! anyways, have a great weekend xo

  6. I ordered this the other day! And I also got a killer animal print maxi dress. Did you order anything else?

  7. My wardrobe has improved greatly since I started following your blog. I feel like you're my own personal stylist. I cannot thank you enough;)

  8. Too funny, I just posted the same one on Thursdy for my weekly F21 top picks blog post. Can't wait for mine too! They also have some great graphic and bohemian style scarves right now. I follow a few dozen blogs, and I just wanted to tell you that I love that Kale salad you posted the other day. I slightly adapted it to make kale chips and it was delic!

  9. just got this top after i saw your post. Keep the forever 21 picks, i like to mix high and low too. I think i will just start looking at your picks…you find the goods. Love youe blog!

  10. I just received this top today in the mail and was wondering if you received yours yet? I have a question about the color. The picture shown on the site of the top is white, however the top I received is a cream color. Is yours white or cream? I am just wondering if I accidentally ordered it in a cream color or if they all just come like this. Thanks! Love the blog:)

    1. Hi hun yes i have received mine and its more of a cream color as well. I was bummed bc the pic did look more white but I still love it. If you look at what the drop down description color on the site i think it does say ivory. Im now going to pay a little more attention to that next time 😉

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