Friday Date Night Look

Happy Friday ladies! My in laws came in town this week so we will be busy soaking up lots of family time! I often hear people complain about their in laws but I got really lucky with mine. I absolutely love them! They are seriously the sweetest and so much fun to be around. Another added bonus of having family in town are date nights! The hubs and I are going to try to sneak in as many as possible while they’re here 😉 I previously posted on these pieces (links below) and wanted to share an easy date night look using them…
Topshop blazer, Susana Monaco tank, Forever21 shorts, Urban Outfitters necklace and Casadei pumps
You can also rock these shorts without the blazer and a pair of gladiator flats for an effortless daytime look!  

*Click on the set for details

Also if you haven’t already enter for a chance to win my Revlon giveaway HERE!

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  1. You look beautiful, of course. But I think you should do one post where you show us how you do your every day "natural" makeup, including your face foundation, your eye makeup and everything. Because mostly I first notice your perfect makeup and then everything else :).

  2. My only issue with you, Andee: That you make every style so cute that I want to go shopping. Honestly though, I love your blog and always appreciate the fresh ideas.


  3. My in-laws are such great babysitters too – they absolutely dote on their grandson. I can't wait for our next date night! Those shorts are so cute x

  4. Hey Andee! This is totally random, but ever since I have been following your blog, I have loved your updates with Ava! I also follow along with a lot of youtube vlogs of other families, and couldn't help but notice how one of the babies of a family I watch has a lot of similar physical features as Ava! If you get a chance, you might find it to be sort of cute that she has a sorta twin in Ireland! Here is a link to one of their most recent vlogs 🙂

    Xo, Kelsey

  5. you look wonderful! you should wear shorts more often. it's summer, embrace them 🙂

    and yay for date nights! i have a 4.5 month old and my husband and i definitely need more of those.

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