Forever21 Goodies

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  1. Ah, I looked at both maxi dresses a few days ago and thought they were super cute! We have similar tastes in fashion, clothes, etc.! It's crazy. 🙂 Congrats on the baby. She's adorable. I hope you update us with more pics of Ava! xo

  2. I'm gonna snag a couple of those maxi dresses…they'll be great for summer when I'll be super pregnant and need some comfy.

    Hope you and Ava are doing great 🙂 Thanks for this post…

    1. MAXI DRESSES are the best when prego!!! whenever i see a good one on F21 i always snag them because they are so affordable, comfortable and I get tons of wear out of them. Congrats on the pregnancy!!!! xoox

  3. Lol, I bought that striped shirt a while ago too along with another maxi dress and a few high-low hem skirts. The shirt's very cute.

  4. love that blouse…and the mint sweater. i need to go to forever21 soon….i just can't bring myself to sift through allll the clothes while being bombarded with techno-pop. BUT i can shop online in peace 🙂

    1. i know i think i NEED that mint sweater too! I tried to narrow down my cart but LOVE mint right now. And totally agree shopping in the store with the intense music can def be overwhelming. I like to stick to online shopping as well 😉

  5. Thanks for this post. I just got on the website and ordered both maxi dresses. Love shopping F21 online!

  6. Wow, I'm really loving that long sleeved print shirt. Hope you and Ava are doing great Andee. Are you planning on doing a post on how Avas birth was? As well as how your days have been now that she's finally here?

Forever21 Goodies

Some flowy pieces to take us into Summer…..

*Click on the set for more details
I think im going to have to have snag those sherbert shorts, red eyelet romper and that tribal necklace.The purple dress looks so similar to the Halston Heritage one!

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  1. thanks girls! @fifi thats a great buy! adore the crochet detail on the back! @Julie that sounds like trouble!!! I will def have to check it out! thanks for the tip xo @ Cheryl i know arent those shorts great?! they would look amazing on your skin tone!

  2. Honestly I used to find cute stuff on f21 but lately haven't found any except for some accessories, tees & shorts always find cute deals on those three things. The maxi dress I like on the pic. xo

  3. Andee I just purchased that necklace over the weekend and I can really say that it is stunning!! You would love it!

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