Forever Friday!

Happyy Friday ladies! Well I wish it was little happier over here. My little has been sick all last week and now at 38 Weeks prego i’ve caught this nasty cough and cold ;( Talk about bad timing right?! I just hope it clears up before our little man decides to come! So sorry for the delayed post today but better late than never right?! 😉 Here are this weeks Forever Friday picks for you ladies….

There are so many cute pieces for Spring/Summer right now! I’m loving all the crochet and boho inspired tops, light weight transitional jackets, off the shoulder tops and super cute swimwear steals! Also if you’re looking for a budget friendly pair of distressed boyfriend jeans the ones above are a great option!

On another note I think I may be even more excited for all the goodies in the accessories department! There are so many great steals right now……..

*Click the arrow on the right to scroll through my accessory picks!

You’ll notice a lot of statement earring picks because i’m a little obsessed at the moment and these are dirt cheap! F21 also started carrying a line called By BOE and i’m in LOVE with pretty much the entire line! They are really thin delicate pieces and look so much more expensive than they are! I also included a cheap chic pair of aviators, a “look for less” fedora that could pass for a Janessa Leone hat and a silver statement necklace that looks like one from Natalie B!

Hope you ladies all have a great weekend!! 

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  1. I have really come to love these posts, so much so that I've been waiting all day to finalize my cart at F21 to see if there was anything else you had your eye on that I should be scooping up too! 😀 Thanks A.

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