Forever Friday

Happy Friday laddddies! I’m starting a new segment called “Forever Fridays”.  I know you appreciate a good deal as much as I do so each Friday i’m sharing my favorite F21 picks with you! Sometimes their items tend to sell out pretty quickly so i’ll occasionally post a link on The Honeybee FB page as well. So here go with this weeks Forever Friday picks…..
Some goodies from the shoe section….
and today’s look posted on my instagram (@andeelayne)
Target Hat (last year but Similar HERE)
Eternal Sunshine tube top
Forever21 shorts (also linked above)

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  1. It's always a hit of miss with F21 but when it's a good deal, it's a GREAT day! And, if I find something good from there and they have multiple sizes, goodness help me haha Cute outfit Andee and looking forward to this segment. Happy Weekend doll!

  2. Great series! Love me a food f21 find! What size did you get in the Mara Hoffman like dress and the two wide leg pants you love?? The pants are a must purchase! And you look so good in that outfit!! Xo

    1. Thanks so much love! the wide legs pants i went with the XS in the black and then a small in the multicolor (don't ask i just switch it up sometimes lol but they both fit)

    1. oh so glad to hear that! It looks gorg …such a pretty color! Don't worry i have to wear heels with everything and even then sometimes have to get them altered!

  3. OK, those shorts (and probably a bunch of your other picks too) look better on you than the model! Just did a couple of quick F21 hauls and order online too! Loving this new feature!

  4. So excited you will be doing this on Fridays, you always find the cutest stuff from there. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I also have the black wide leg pants and love them, and I am excited to see how you style them. I have been eyeing the Mara Hoffman look alike maxi, and was wondering if you bought it as well if you loved it in person and on?

    1. omg aren't those black leg pants the best?! I seriously almost ordered another pair just to have in case I shrink them 😉 I didnt purchase that mara hoffman lookalike maxi only because i went a little overboard lately and havent worn the other maxis yet! 😉

  5. I love the Mara Hoffman dress. Sadly it was too long for me since I am 5'. Even with heels it would just drag on me. I also have the gold heeled shoes from Zara BN in 6 that are too small. Willing to sell or trade…let me know if you'd be interested. Love your style! Keep up the great posts!

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