Fekkai Hair Products

I don’t know about you but when it comes to hair products, I have the hardest time finding ones I LOVE. I am constantly on the hunt for something that really makes a difference with my hair. When I do finally find one I love, I stick with it.  Fekkai is definitely one of those brands!  The Fekkai glossing shampoo, conditioner and glossing cream are must have staples in my beauty routine. I did a post last year on my favorite hair products and the Fekkai shampoo, conditioner and glossing cream were on that list. A year later those products are still some of my favorites! I’ve tried several different brands but I keep going back to these!

The glossing shampoo, conditioner and cream are all made with olive oil and they leave my hair feeling soft and shiny. The way a product smells is also something that is important to me. These smell fresh and are not over powering like some of the other brands.  

The glossing conditioner makes my hair feel super smooth and the glossing cream takes it to the next level! 

My hair has been super dry after lightening my color recently so i’ve been using my glossing cream religiously. It really has made such a difference!

If you’re a fan of Fekkai products or have been wanting to try them, head over to their site and get
you will receive 10% off your total order and a complimentary exclusive holiday headband with $50 purchase (while supplies last). Just enter Promo Code: HEADBAND.  ***Check it out HERE

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  1. Don't like the sponsored posts. I understand why you do them, but I'm not a fan of seeing them on your site. Love the rest of your posts though.

  2. Frederick Fekkai products are the only hair products I use. I love the Gloss and the color care line (the pink color care line smells amazing). Thanks for the discount code!!

    1. I've tried the oil and love it! Ive been wondering about the shampoo and conditioner! Ill def have to try that as well!! thanks for he tip I always love recommendations!

  3. I've been dying to try the Glossing Shampoo for a while now… I think it's time for me to take the plunge! I've never found a shampoo that I really LOVE, but it sounds like the glossing might be a contender. 🙂

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