Everyday Mom Outfits

A few of you asked about outfits for new moms who breastfeed so I thought I would share some I wore the last couple days. When I pump and take a bottle with us I have so many more options but for the most part I try to keep it pretty simple during the week while running errands and taking care of the babe. 
 Easy access is KEY when breastfeeding! I have yet to find a cute actual nursing tank so I stick to regular clothes that have easy access. Anything Strapless or tube top is a winner in my book! 
Im still rocking my Liz Lange for Target maternity tanks. They are crazy soft and stretchy with a deep scoop neck. I wear them out as well as to sleep in. (Wearing with Hudson flares and Jimmy Choo bag) Although most days I’m just sporting my diaper bag.
Another must are the Mossimo long and lean tanks from Target. They aren’t as soft as the Liz Lange but they do have a deep scoop neck and are only like $9! I wear these out with boyfriend jeans, maxi skirts and also to workout in. They come in several colors and I own at least 5! (Worn here with Black Dita aviators, Vintage Belt, H&M boyfriend Jeans and Alexander Wang bag)
I was a maxi dress junkie before pregnancy and am even more of one now! They are comfy, cute and easy to wear plain and simple!  A cheap fedora (that fits well) is also key for any new mom! This is a perfect option to hide my unwashed  hair and still looks cute. Also note the high pony in the above pic. That as well as the “mom bun” are my go to looks when I don’t have that extra time to wash and style. Not to mention they’re great now that Ava has perfected the death grip on my hair! 
F21 Stripe maxi dress, Brown Dita Aviators, and my good ol’ Marc Jacobs Eliz a baby diaper bag and we’re out the door!
*Im still in love with my nursing bra and sleeping bras that are beyond comfy. You can find them Here. They are the two black bras in the set. Hope this was helpful for you new mamas!

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  1. Love your mommy outfits!!! I should tell Hubs that I need to increase my maxi wardrobe because I can also use them when I get pregnant one day! haha, i'm definitely using that line tonight!

  2. You still look so put together! Kudos to all the time and effort you put into your blog – it's impressive! I love reading your new blogposts and reading your responses. 🙂

    1. I know right! This little chica has inspired me to stop making the "Oh god, I'm so tired, I have a 4 month old baby" excuse and JUST GO to the gym.
      xoxo RB

  3. Great post! How long do you plan to nurse for? I have a four month old, and am loving that it's summer because there are lots of strapless options, but I'm getting nervous about fall/winter and nursing in heavier clothes. Also, you mentioned pumping and taking a bottle with you. Please share how you do this! Went to the zoo with my little one today and nursing was very challenging! Would love to know how to take bottles of breast milk on the go! Thanks Andee!

    1. My length of planning to nurse kept changing from the start. I want to go to 6 months but seeing that this is only a couple weeks away I may go a bit longer to do the weaning very gradually. Pumping has been amazing what works best for me is pumping in the night. I tend to wake up right before she feeds and Ill pump one side then leave the other side for her when she wakes up (Ava only nurses off one boob in the middle of the night then goes back to sleep) In the morning ill top my pumped bottle off to make it 6oz and put it in the fridge to use that day. I hate sitting around during the day and pumping so night time just works better for me. When were ready to leave the house we just warm up her bottle in our dr browns bottle warmer and have it in our diaper bag for even ever she gets hungry! I do bring my hooter hider out occasionally and feed in public but not so much anymore now that we have the bottle feeding option! So much easier that my hubby can help too! If your out all day at the zoo your def going to have to pump ahead of time and bring more than one bottle or else wear something you can still nurse in.

    2. also Fall/Winter will be a little more challenging with the nursing attire but I still plan on just wearing my scoop neck tanks with lots of layers! Chunky knit cardigans, leather jackets and scarves.

  4. I LOVE the target tanks as well, they are so comfy and versatile! Funny, my daughter Averie has the same dress your daughter is wearing in the last pic. I feel like I should buy stock in target! I have 3 young kids and my best friend is my Ergo carrier. I can walk around and nurse averie in it while still caring for my 2 other kids. It has been a godsend and is so freeing! With 3 kids, pumping can be tough, and when I do carve out time to pump, I usually save it to use instead of water when I make her food. I wish I had known about the Ergo when I had my first!

  5. Hi Andee! You look so pretty and your baby is adorable. I love the hutch! Wish you could help me decorate my home:). Could you post some photos of your kitchen sometime? I noticed it in some photos and wanted to get ideas on a white kitchen. We are planning on painting ours but I'm a little nervouse. Also, where did you get your island that is in your kitchen? It is very pretty. Thanks Andee. Hope your Friday was wonderful. Marnie

    1. hi love which kitchen are you referring to?! I think you are talking about the house we just sold and moved out of…it was all white with the carrera marble counter?! That table we had custom made.

  6. What kind of bra do you wear with the strapless dresses and tube tops? I'm thinking that will be my go to next time I nurse. Thanks for the nursing clothes tips. You look fab!

    1. thanks monique I just wear a fitted bandeau top if I'm planning on nursing. If I've taken a bottle to go then i get to wear a regular strapless (yeah!) My boobs didn't get crazy big (bc they weren't that big before pregnancy) so i can get away with the bandeau. Some girls who have a D cup may need a little more support and not sure the bandeau will cut it.

  7. so pretty baby ! Did you work or you are just mother at home ? it's a great job too <3 thanks your for your answer
    see you and love your blog

  8. I always say a true beauty is willing to share their secrets! You are just too sweet! I'm happy there are gals like you out there showing a baby doesn't cramp your style, but most importantly, BREASTFEEDING doesn't cramp your style either!
    I love your tips and style. Trust me when I say you are saving me hours of shopping looking at the racks of clothes, something I used to love to do in my spare time, but now I have a 4 yr, 3 yr, and a 4 month old…shopping is not like it used to be. So I "window shop" on your blog and know exactly what I'm looking for. Oh and you've also inspired me to get my butt back to spin class. So thank you, and my hips thank you too as they go back to their normal size.
    I wanted to let you know that Nordstroms will take any regular bra and turn it into a nursing bra for $10 bucks! Also, HOTmilk makes reallllllly comfortable and pretty nursing bras, nursing nightgowns (you have to try a nursing nightgown!), and panties.
    btw: I nursed all my kids past a year old. You're already half way there!!!
    xoxo RB

  9. Love your style! Do you think you'll be selling your maternity clothes in future? I'm only 7 weeks along but I think we're the same size (Size 2/ Jeans size 25) so if you intend on selling them please let me know! 🙂

  10. Great blog! I am thinking about getting the dita condors and I was wondering what you liked better, the brown ones or the black ones? Also, do you have the black/silver or the black/gold? Thanks for being such a style icon!

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