Easy Beach Style

Happy Memorial Day loves! I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend! The sun finally came out today so we are beach bound! Today’s look is with a pair of printed pants perfect for the beach or any warm vacay. These are a fun and easy way to switch up your standard beach style….

My favorite sunnies on repeat!

Photos by SteadyJenny
Acacia Bikini Top
Printed Pants c/o Windsor
Super Sunglasses
Forever21 tote
Have a safe rest of the weekend and a HUGE thank you to all the men and women who selflessly gave their lives for our country! 

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  1. Ah, the smile, the smile, the smile :). You have the perfect smile and should smile more in your pictures – there is no reason not to. Anyway, what is on your nails – the polish looks so beautiful, and also, I was wondering would that pants work in a very casual office or not ?!?! They look that good that I want to wear them to the office :). Also, which size did you get in the pants?

    1. thanks so much love so kind of you! As for the pants I'm wearing a small and I think they would work in an office it is is casual. The print is pretty lively so I would just pair it with a basic solid color racer back or lightweight button down top. xo these pants would look great with a chambray top as well! xo

  2. Lovely pictures! The printed trousers look great.Dreaming of a beach day,it has been raining most of the weekend here in Scotland.Really enjoy reading your blog.
    Erin x

  3. Andee, you look fabulous! Love your bikini top and those pants are adorbs. Hope your beach day was great! :))


    1. Thanks Elyse I used to crest white strips every so often but havent used them in a very long time. I would suggest trying those though if you havent. xo

  4. love these pants, they look so comfy!!!! What lipstick do you always wear especially the one in the denim shirt and white skirt??? You look so beautiful

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