Easter Sunday

Hope you all had a beautiful Easter! Holidays are so much better spent with family and wish we lived closer to ours! The hubby and I had a quiet day just going to church and brunch…

Wearing my Vintage Lace Dress from F21 (I posted on my white lace cravings earlier this week) Banana Republic cocktail ring and Aldo nude pumps.

My hubby is the sweetest! He brought me some Flowers and Chocolate eggs! xo

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  1. happy easter!!! such a pretty dress and you look great in it> can you please post ur workout routine?

  2. Andee your legs are amazing…gees. I emailed you mostly because I saw how in shape your arms and abs are but GEES woman! Yes it's emily I emailed you about your workouts and no- I'm totally straight, nothing weird …I just workout myself and love others tips where I see great results, HA! I'm excited to see you selling some of your great finds! Lucky us! Love it once again…your newest fan. -emily

  3. Thanks so much Emily you know its so funny my legs were my biggest insecurity for years! I played soccer for 8+ so I always had a lot of muscle in my legs but as ive gotten older I totally embrace them now 🙂 So thank you so much for that lovely compliment and I will soon do some posts on my fitness routine. xo

  4. Amazing dress!! The color looks so great against your skin. Thanks for taking time out to visit my blog because in turn I found yours. =) Following you. <3<3<3 xx


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