Current Baby Product Love

I wanted to thank my mommy followers for all your suggestions yesterday! I absolutely love blogging and its a huge plus for me to have your input, tips and advice as well! So thank you all! Heres what were currently loving. You may have seen a few of these on the past favorite product posts but these are the things we can’t do without!

*Click on the set for details
The Itzy Ritzy cart cover is a recent purchase that has been great! Thank you for all the suggestions last month this one was a success! It fits the Target and Traders carts perfectly! Its comfy and has two toy rings which def have helped mama out! Speaking of toys these little clip on toys are everywhere! We have them on the car seat, stroller, shopping cart and randomly on the floor! Target carries a brand called Bright Stars that we love because they keep Ava occupied for long periods of time! We also quickly invested in this breathable bumper after the first couple nights Ava slept in her crib! Before we bought it, I was making multiple rescues to free up her legs and arms that were getting stuck in-between the bars. No complaints with this one and LOVE that its breathable!
Of course I’ve listed the SUMMER baby monitor again and my Eliza baby Marc Jacobs diaper bag because they are the BEST things I’ve purchased thus far!  No complaints with either! I haven’t taken the traveling sheep sound machine with us yet but I’ve tested it out at home and think it is going to come in VERY handy when we travel!
We’ve tried out the Aden and Anais fitted crib sheets and they were great! They are super comfy and just like the swaddle blankets Ava was used to. We also have jumped on the giraffe teether bandwagon and have to say they really are worth all the hype. Ava chews on them daily! The hubby recently upgraded her to the larger one that squeaks and that was just as much as of a hit! Louie of course thinks it for her so that has taken a little bit of training 😉 We purchased yet ANOTHER contraption/jumper to have upstairs to occupy pie little miss while we get ready. This time we went with the Fisher Pricer Animal Krackers jumper which she likes! I think she may like the Step N Play we have downstairs better but this one is great too! (Its not the exact one in this set but looks VERY similar).
Lastly after lots of suggestions from you ladies we went ahead and ordered the Ergo carrier so well let you know how that goes after we use it for awhile!

*Click on the set for details
Many of you asked if I would be making Avas baby food. To answer that question yes I do plan on it. We have the Baby Cook and it seems pretty great so far! That being said it is a little pricier and I wanted to post on another less expensive option Ive also heard good things about and thats the Baby Bullet which is about half the price. These storage trays are what I’m looking at getting to store her food.
 The high chair we have is the Graco 2 in 1 highchair (bottom right) and we LOVE it now. I say “now” because Ava loves just sitting in it and playing with her toys while I cook. Also we are feeding her in it so it hasn’t been to messy just yet! I think the real test will be once she starts using her hands to feed herself and food goes everywhere. Thats where I may have wished we purchased one that was all plastic (on the left) and easier to clean. Ours is made our of a leather like material that looks like it may be easy to wipe down but who knows. Ill have to keep you posted on that once we get there. It is super comfy and Ava loves sitting in it. Ive listed the Dr. Browns bottles, warmer, steam sterilizer (will post a link below that one we have) and drying rack before and they’ve been awesome! These mesh teethers have come in SO handy recently! We put some frozen bananas in there this week and Ava went nuts for it!

Another teether that has been a HIT is this one my mom purchased for her. I will admit she does look like a football player when she uses it but it she seems to really like it. We put it in the freezer so it feels good on those gums! You can purchase it at Babies r US.

Here’s a link to the Steam sterlizer we have and LOVE Dr. Browns Delux Steam Sterlizer. Its a harder one to find and little more expensive but I just didn’t want to microwave her bottles and this one is really easy to use and clean!

Hope this was helpful and AS ALWAYS its so nice hearing what you ladies are loving as well! I swear the lists of baby products are never ending out there! 😉 Hope you all have a great weekend!

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  1. A lot of these are my favorites too (I have a post going up Monday). My little girl is three months old so I'll keep some of these in mind as she gets bigger. Thanks for posting!

  2. great post Andee. I always looks forward to your baby posts. I have an Ergo (which Sofia is too small for now), Sophie the Giraffe, the Sleep Sheep and the Baby cook (last 3 were shower gifts). Will add the rest to my wishlist too

    1. well, my LO is still too young for it. But several of my gf's have it and love theirs. One still wears her toddler (who's 2 year old) and she's 30 week pregnant herself and says she's still comfortable.

      I need to wait till Sofia's about 4 months old before I put her in there. I've got the galaxy gray pattern 🙂

  3. Yes Yes and YES!!! I am LOVING this post! I will be printing this and keeping it for the next few months when my little two week old grows big so this new mommy can remember all these great tips!

  4. I have a question about a previous post, you mentioned that you take a pumped bottle when you are out. Do you skip a feeding/pumping or do you pump when you get home? I haven't really been able to get out for longer than a few hours because I am worried about missing a feeding.

  5. We made all of our girls' food and a good tip that I used was freezing single serving sizes in ice cube trays! When they're frozen you just pop them out (sometimes need to use a knife to help it out) and stick in a zip lock.

  6. Hi Andee! I LOVE all of your recommendations! Are you using baby food recipe books? If not, where do you find your recipes for baby food? Also what brand of rice cereal are you using? Thank you!

    1. hi love currently I'm just introducing stage 1 foods so its just steaming and pureeing organic veggies and fruits. Once we get into stage 2 and 3 foods the menu will be a little more interesting but for now just super basic. Ive "pinned" some sites for baby food recipes on my Pinterest "baby A Inspiration" board i look forward to trying out and sharing on my blog once we get there xo

  7. My daughter Avery loves that teether as well…I dont know what some people were thinking when they designed baby teethers most are huge and the poor little things cant get them in their teeny mouths! We also have the Razberry teether which is great too…I rotate them through the freezer to numb the gums a but.

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