Christmas Via The Camera Roll

And just like that December has come to a close. Life just keeps getting busier and busier and I swear this month kind of felt like a bit of a blur but I still really wanted to make sure I squeezed in as much Christmas for my babes as possible! Here’s a little look back at our Decemeber via the camera roll…..
Christmas Tree + Palm Trees = Newport Beach Christmas 😉 We always love seeing this pretty combo year after year.

Stockings hung and still can’t believe we are a family of four now! (and hand stitched by Meme! These are something I will cherish for years to come!)

The excitement on her face  when surprised with snowman marshmallows in her hot chocolate…priceless!

My tree scouter! Daddy stayed in the car lol and left the Christmas tree picking up to the girls this  😉

Helping daddy 
I looooove a good gingerbread house decorating party but this year trying to get schedules to workout  didn’t happen. So I did a mini party for Ava and I. Lets just say she loved the sampling but I was actually pretty impressed with her little decor 😉 and thank the lawwwrd for Whole Foods making the premade ginger bread houses. I swear when you buy the kits it takes a half hour just to ensemble to house lol (anyone else or is that just me?! 😉

and elf on a shelf was a hit more this year than ever before! Ava woke (a little toooooo early on some occasions) up every morning and the first words were “I wonder where Sparkles hiding this morning”

and kudos for daddy for moving her all the time (sometimes we would wake up and fly out of bed in a panic like “did you move sparkle?!?!”) but when mommy did the moving her hiding spots were just  a little more fun 😉

some fancy gift wrapping for my girlfriends. I always love to do some fun gift wrapping and I got this paper from Paper Source. I added a Crate and Barrel ornament to one and a Pom Pom key chain to another. (FYI  not all my gifts looked this pretty under the tree..#aintnobodygottimeforthat 😉
and as always my little photobomber/helper Lukes is never far 😉 Apparently the pom pom is a hit with babies too;)
Getting festive with the pancakes has become a yearly tradition now!
Santa Pancakes (and a little sugar high) on Christmas Morning!

I think Ava and I did a good job on the Christmas tree picking! We ended up doing the flocked tree this year and LOVED it! Thank you all for all your suggestions and comments on Facebook a few weeks ago. We had them do the flocking at the tree place and it actually wasn’t super messy. We still had to do a little vacuuming here and there but pretty the same as when you have needles falling off an unfrocked tree.

Babies first Christmas!
Of course sissy had to try out all her new baby stuff, on her baby 😉
and this pic pretty much just sums it up! I couldn’t ask for anything more than this right here! 
Thank you girls  so much for sharing another year with us! I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and wishing you girls all amazing things in 2016! 

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  1. Love these pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!! Your tree turned out so pretty 🙂 I love the flocked trees, but my hubby and I were too scared to try it. Next year! Wishing you a Happy New Year's!! Love following you & your family year after year 🙂 XO, Kelly

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