Cheap Chic Summer Pieces!

Hope you girls had a great Cinco De Mayo! I spent mine recovering from a quick getaway to Palm Springs with a couple girlfriends (post to come soon) but feeling much better today! Recently I’ve added a few cheap chic pieces to my wardrobe and thought i’d share some of my favorite finds with you ladies, so here we go! I have every item in this first set and love all of them…

*Click on the set for details
The white top in the top left corner is a must. Its the perfect flowy top for Summer and you would never guess its from F21. Im obsessed with the printed pants in the top row. They are the perfect way to rock the trend for about $20! The maxi tube dress in the bottom left corner (note it does not come with that belt 😉 is a MUST! If you need basic affordable maxis, this is it! I snatched it up in three different colors. The material is surprisingly pretty good  and you can’t go wrong for $15!! A few of you asked about the top I wore to the Rihanna concert a couple weeks ago, its that leopard print top in the top row. Lastly the two skirts in the bottom are my favorites! Outfit posts to come soon with a few of these pieces!

and here are a few more cheap chic pieces that have also caught my eye….

*Click on the set for details

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  1. love it too!! I got a lot of dresses to prepare to my big summer belly.

    I tried sugar pop for the layouts but when I paste the embed on my blog you can see it, but when you click on each product it doesn't take me to the product page, it does another thing kinda hard to explain. It basically changes pages inside the layout of my blog… sorry I'm such a pain!

  2. What colors did you get of the maxi tube dress? I wrote a review on the coral maxi tube dress on the F21 website! I included the picture of myself with the pearl statement necklace and cream belt. I had to return it though even though I loved it! Can't wait to see how you style and wear the maxi dresses in a future post! xo Cee

  3. Have to say that I absolutely love that you don't spend tons of money on expensive clothes. Because over the years I have noticed every time I put some effort in my face, and my face (makeup) is on point, I get so much attention, and people are so nice to me no matter what I wear, and sometimes guys even run in front of me to open the door for me. But, then, when I am without makeup, I can wear the most expensive clothes on earth, but no one is going to give me a second look, and I even sense some hate toward me :). So, all in all, I think the best investment you can make is into skin care and makeup, but no clothes will make you pretty. That's why some already pretty girls can make cheap wall mart clothes look like million bucks, but on not so pretty people even most expensive things can look "bad". It's sad but true :).

  4. Loving all of these, thanks so much for sharing. Can you please do an outfit post on the sea foam green skirt? Would love to see what top you would pair with it. Thanks

  5. Great choices! I'll definitely be putting some of these in my shopping cart! Love your style

  6. Omg Andee I actually ordered the maxi dress is aqua and coral yesterday (the only two colours the Canadian site still had in stock). Great minds think alike 😉

    Gotta check out that satin maxi skirt…you always find great things at F21

  7. You are the queen of maxi dresses! I have loved all of your dress picks and have purchased many of them 🙂 Love these from f21 – esp with bfing my little babe. 🙂 BTW, bravo – for your discipline towards taking care of yourself and looking so fab and fit. It is motivating!

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