Cheap Chic Sandals

I posted my new Mossimo sandals from Target on Instagram a few days ago and wanted to share them on here as well! These are seriously such a score! They were only $14.99, are beyond comfy and look so similar to the Dolce Vita ones that are around $70! These are the perfect Summer sandal and they come in  several different colors. I ordered the black online because my Target only had pink and teal.

I love them so much I’m ordering the white as well!


*Click on the set for more details

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  1. I need these!!! I found them on the target website weeks ago and obsessed over them then completely forgot about them until this post (pregnancy brain) thanks for the reminder! Glad to hear they are comfy

  2. They do look so similar to the DV ones!! Thanks for sharing this find! I was debating between the DV and Tory Burch miller sandals – but now I'm going to get the Target version too! 🙂 Do the Target ones run true to size?

  3. Good to hear that they're comfy, I hesitated to buy them because I wanted to hear reviews on the comfort factor. Great buy Andee!

  4. I picked up the black and white over the weekend. The white is more of a cream color though (just so you're aware). Wanted to look at the teal and pink too, but my store only had the black and white.

  5. Not to be a complete weirdo here but you have such pretty feet Andee! Lol!! Thank you for posting this! Great sandals! ^_^

  6. You truly are the perfect woman. From head to, yes, toe you are flawless and gorgeous. It's so nice to see a woman take care of their feet and show them off with amazing shoes. You should be in a museum with the title 'perfection' next to you.

  7. This are such a great find for that price ! I bought the DV ones really early this spring … for $60 !! 🙁 > Andee I wanted to ask you what color polish are you wearing?

  8. Very cute! I kind of saw those when I was at target, but was in a hurry and didn't give them much thought. Wish i would have they look so cute!
    Also, I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog and would love if you checked it out! I think it would be right up your alley!

  9. I have them in pink – perfect color to go with the neon trend! They really are comfy too! I also want to know what color polish that is, its a fabulous red!

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