Cheap Chic Look

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but we’ve been non stop with unpacking. I’ve also come to the conclusion that I have a mild shopping addiction after opening up box after box of clothes! I have a huge pile ready to go for Shop Honeybee that is LONG overdue! Im hoping to get around to taking pics and uploading items later this week! I hope you girls had a great weekend and lovely Fathers Day! Here is a cheap chic maxi dress I got from Target that I love…..

Target maxi dress, Levi denim jacket, Balenciaga bag and Sam Edleman sandals

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  1. Love this dress! You look great in it! I just blogged about it too a couple of weeks ago.. pretty sure Target fills most of my closet these days! hehe Brooke

  2. I think your Target buyers have better style than mine do here in Georgia- I don't ever see the cute Target stuff you post in my hometown store! Guess I'll just have to shop via the internet huh??! Cute look!! Gotta love a jean jacket that goes with anything!

  3. I am so excited that you are going to clean out your closet again! I have been checking back every day. I love your style and can’t wait!

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