Blogger Award

I received a couple blogger awards this month and thank the lovely ladies who tagged me in them! I have never done one of these but I do enjoy reading them on my favorite blogs so thought I would give it a shot. So here are 7 randoms things about me….

1.) I have a serious soft spot for anyone in the military (esp Marines) My dad was a Colonel and my brother is enlisted. I see the sacrafices they have had to make and its beyond admirable.

2.) I am super disciplined with my eating and have been for years! I am a health nut but when i get down on dessert..I GET DOWN 🙂 Cupcakes and ridiculously sweet treats are well worth the splurge in my book!

3.) I have experienced loss at a young age and think that has helped keep me grounded and put things into perspective for me.

4.) Ive lived in Orange County for 12+ years…but east coast is still “home” to me

5.) biggest pet peeve are people who treat others like they are above them. CANT STAND arrogance.

6.) I lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years and LOVED it!

7.) I got engaged at 24 and married when I was 25 (thats pretty unheard of in OC hahaha)

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Think I am supposed to pass it on to a few lovely bloggers (check out their blogs)……

Noelle at

Sarah at

Aubrey at

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  1. Awww…THANK YOU so much for passing on this award to me :)) I agree with #5 completely!!! And Germany…i bet that was AMAZING. Enjoy the rest of your week. {{Hugs}}

  2. Good to hear that you are disciplined with your eating & know that you work hard for your amazing figure. And yes, getting married in OC is pretty rare! Yay! Love <3 Lipstick & Ruffles…happens to be my sister 🙂 Her blog is AMAZING!

  3. Hi Andie!
    I grew up in a military family as well ("army brat"), which led my family to live in Germany for about 2 years as well (kindergarten and 1st grade for me). I moved to CA in 2000 for college, but I'm originally from Maryland, and despite living in CA for all this time up until now, I still refer to MD as my home too. = ) Great to get to know you. Take care.

    P.S. Any half-marathons planned for you in the future? I'm vigorously training as of late to lower my times in the half. Good luck if you are!


  4. Congratulations! You definitely deserve the award! I got engaged at 24-married at 25 too…and you're right–totally unheard of in OC! Too funny!

    xo natasha

  5. awww thanks Andee!! I loved learning more about you. I am completely with you on #5 and I also have a big sweet tooth! I will have to do a post as well =). xx

  6. @aubrey @sarah @noelle you girls are so welcome! Love reading your posts!!! xo @ shaglam how funny i had no idea you girls were sisters! xo @leen what a small world! My family all lives in rockville and fairfax VA.! No im not training for anymore half marathons for now. It was a great experience but felt like it was pretty hard on my body?!
    @shadow lady and @ natasha yeah for all getting married at the same age! CRazy how that is considered "young" to marry these days 🙂

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